Welcome to LHV Connect API documentation and info page!
LHV Connect is a public API that our customers can use to integrate different banking services directly into their software. Using these services you can execute payments, query account balances or transaction history and perform many other tasks as part of your own software - without need to log into Internet Bank or use any other time consuming channels.
Technically LHV Connect is RESTful web service with requests and responses in XML format, with high availability and fast processing speeds.
Here you will find all the information to get started with our API, including:
LHV Status Page - information and announcements about LHV services status and any interruptions.
24.09.2024 | New Webhook service! Subscribe to Webhook endpoint and upon a new message, we will notify you via the webhook, enabling you to fetch the message immediately |
05.08.2024 | Pain.002 now provides information when payment has been suspended using StsRsnInf.Rsn.Code = NARR and StsRsnInf.Rsn.AddtlInf = "The payment has been suspended". |
Only ISO country codes are now allowed in pain.001 country fields. | |
All dates used in pain.001 must be later than 01-01-1900. | |
Creditor name can be 255 characters for payments to LHV accounts. 70 character limit for payments to other banks. | |
27.06.2024 | Payment initiation v3 (pain.001.001.03) support is extended until 31.10.2025. |
10.06.2024 | LHV Bank (UK) has moved its API documentation to a new portal: https://docs.lhv.com/connect. |
18.03.2024 | Additional ValueDate tag with DateTime is added to transaction level entry in camt.054.001.02 and camt.053.001.02 messages. In camt.054.001.02 message new tag reflects transaction date with time and offset. In camt.053.001.02 message new tag reflects transaction date and time without offset. |
01.02.2024 | From 01.03.2024 payment scheme TARGET2 can be used then initiated a payment. Postal Address - In case of TARGET2 payment address information is mandatory. Please see updated rules of Postal Address usage. TARGET2 payments can be returned, see https://partners.lhv.ee/en/connect/#initiating-return-payments. Changes on automatic/manual scheme selection. |
01.12.2023 | Pain.001 transitional period has been extended from 31.01.2024 to 30.06.2024. >>> Not applicable for Payment Service Providers! Please contact your account manager for further details. |
05.10.2023 | Pain.001 transitional period has been extended from 03.07.2023 to 30.06.2024. >>> Not applicable for Payment Service Providers! Please contact your account manager for further details. |
12.07.2023 | Added information for Agency Account Synchronization changes related to LHV UK Bank migration |
03.07.2023 | Breaking change warning for customers operating UK accounts! Added information for LHV UK Bank migration and related changes to Connect |
10.05.2023 | Breaking change warning! Descriptions updated for the upcoming payment message version changes (ISO20022 2019 version released in November 2023). * pain.001.001.03 will be replaced with pain.001.001.09 (payment initiation) * pain.008.001.02 will be replaced with pain.008.001.08 (payment collection initiation) * pain.002.001.03 will be replaced with pain.002.001.10 (payment initiation response) See timeline and details here: Upcoming transition to new iso messaging standard in november 2023 |
01.03.2023 | Added samples of ACSP responses |
30.12.2022 | Added timezone information to communication test. |
15.08.2022 | Added samples for Payment Service Provider payments use cases. |
04.08.2022 | Added samples for FPSPOO (Payments Originated Overseas in UK Faster Payments scheme). |
03.05.2022 | Account Balance service now optionally also contains Payment Limits data. More details and samples below. |
29.04.2022 | Added specification for Payment Collection Services and SEPA Direct Debit. This is a new service currently in pilot and will be significantly improved and updated. |
14.03.2022 | Added new Bulk Delete service for managing API messages - combining it with messages list service now enables even more options for parallel processing. |
09.03.2022 | Added new options for reading your API messages - messages list and number of pending messages services now enable parallel execution and improved performance. More at messaging chapter. |
07.03.2022 | Possible breaking change! We shall start providing additional data for payment pending on manual intervention. This data will be provided in the payment response messages PAIN.002 with PDNG status and additional description. Manual intervention can be triggered by different events like sanctions screening matches or payment data quality issues. Please make sure your integrations can handle these messages. |
26.01.2022 | Added new Bank transaction codes for Indirect Scheme Access payments: * PMNT / ICDT / FICT - PSP issued credit transfer * PMNT / RCDT / FICT - PSP received credit transfer |
25.01.2022 | Added manual processing info to Payment Response Messages. This is a new feature to provide information about human intervention in the payment flow - for example sanctions screening matches. Feature is currently piloted and will be rolled out for all customers by 2022.02.28. Possible breaking change depending on customer and integrations solution. |
17.12.2021 | Updated structures and samples for Foreign Exchange services. FX is now fully live and ready to use! |
10.12.2021 | Contracts List service now contains filter for changed date. It can be also used to get recently closed contracts. |
01.12.2021 | Merchant Payment Report will now return errStatement_PeriodInvalid (Data not ready for selected period) error when previous day data calculations are not finished. |
24.09.2021 | Added information about FPSPOO (Payments Originated Overseas in UK Faster Payments scheme). Additional information required for these payments can be provided at the UltimateRemitter block. More details at the XML specification. Also updated the LHV custom pain.001.001.03.xsd payments XML schema file. |
Minor changes coming up to Debit Credit Notification camt.054.001.02 messages by the end of September. All messages will contain now empty UltmtDbtr and UltmtCdtr tags. Also bank data in FinInstnId will contain address data in the PstlAdr block. Similar change already appeared in the account stament file previously. This is not a breaking change and is still matching the common XSD schema. | |
28.07.2021 | Added improved full samples for different payment schemes and use cases. |
22.06.2021 | Added first specification for Foreign Exchange services. |
04.12.2020 | Added info on SEPA Credit Transfers and Instant Credit Transfers for Indirect Scheme Access. |
Agency Account Synchronization allows synchronizing Estonian region IBANs. | |
Added scheme reject and return codes for SEPA Credit and Instant Transfers inappendix and information about initiating return payments. | |
01.12.2020 | Added ClientReference to Virtual IBAN services. It is an optional field that service provider can use for mapping their internal system ID's to Virtual Accounts and also avoid duplicates when opening new accounts. |
20.11.2020 | Several smaller updates and changes will be done to Account Statement. Release is planned to December 2020: |
Account statement creation time at CreDtTm will also contain milliseconds. For example: | |
XML declaration will not include encoding="UTF-8" part as it is Java default and does not need to be declared. Document encoding is still UTF-8. | |
When using DATETIME for statement period and FrTm=0:00:00 - then actual starting balance will be shown instead of 0. Also all statement blocks for all currencies on the account will be included. | |
05.11.2020 | Added update functionality for Agent Account Synchronization Request. Added optional Status field to request. DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT and ACCOUNT_EXISTS errors removed. |
09.10.2020 | Added return initiation for UK Faster Payments scheme: Instruction for Debtor Agent inpayment initiation (index 2.85) is used for referencing return payment. |
Ignore non-IBAN account numbers for other regions than 'GB' in Agent Account Synchronization Request. | |
Added rule: debtor name in pain.001.001.03 index 2.19 is mandatory if payment is initiated from indirect agent's existing accounts. | |
Estonian Banking Association pain.001.001.03 XSD is replaced with custom XSD. See XML Format inpayment initiation. | |
Added FPS reject code list in appendix, they appear in payment initiation response pain.002 Additional Info (index 3.25). | |
Added Non-IBAN account identification to payment initiation response pain.002 (index 3.122). | |
Added information: if not enough funds or daily/monthly limits, payments will be canceled immediately unless otherwise agreed. Payment initiation reject status 'No rights to remitter’s account.' moved to group level. | |
29.09.2020 | Now Virtual IBAN data can be modified with a valid reason. More info at Virtual IBAN Modify service. |
14.09.2020 | We are changing the format of transaction reference in payment and account info messages. So far it has also included date information, but will be replaced with a random string of 32 characters. It impacts AcctSvcrRef tags in PAIN.002, CAMT.053 and CAMT.054 messages. Old format example: 202009081020678875-016192782. New format example: D9C8845A4BBAEA11910E00155DBDB777. Please make sure this change does not impact your integration. Change is planned for release on 2020.10.14 (in one month). |
26.05.2020 | Added new optional parameters Filter-Response-Type for selecting messages by service type and Filter-Service-Provider for selecting messages for service provider. See more at messaging. |
15.05.2020 | Added information about Indirect Scheme Access account management services. These are services for Indirect Account management for service providers with a valid Agency agreement. Updated payment initiation debtor account: added Othr.Id for non-IBAN accounts; added agency rule to Dbtr.PstlAdr and added TwnNm tag. Release planned in June 2020. |
15.05.2020 | Added information about Contract Management Services. These services are meant for Service Providers Connect contract management - info services about existing contracts, creation and modification. |
19.02.2020 | Added information about manual payment scheme selection. |
To start using LHV Connect services you need:
The general approach and on-boarding steps, before you can start using the API in Live environment:
Following certificates are needed for using LHV Connect services:
To verify your certificates and test the basic connection to the API you can use the heartbeat service in both Live and Sandbox.
LHV Connect has Live environment and a dedicated test Sandbox environment. Similar to Live also Sandbox has separate connection certificates, payment accounts and all the same services available.
Live base url: https://connect.lhv.eu/
Sandbox test environment is our free to access testing environment. It can be used to test your integrations when on-boarding or also any additional developments. It is technically also very similar to live environment - the services, messages structure etc. is the same.
Please note, the Sandbox environment does not provide mocked responses, meaning that all interactions and responses will be as they would be in a real-live scenario.
Sandbox base url is: https://connect.prelive.lhv.eu/
There are two different connection schemes, how clients can connect and use Connect services:
Client itself is the sole holder of the authentication certificate and connection software. Certificate provides access to one customer or legal entity only.
Service provider scheme grants access to multiple customers or legal entities with a single connection certificate. It is meant typically for accounting software providers and other similar business cases.
In this scheme there are two kinds of clients:
Only service provider connection software is using Connect services directly. End users are using the service provider software.
For all requests we also need to know the end user - the actual client that uses the service provider.
For this we require two HTTP headers in addition to regular expected input:
If these are missing from the request, you will get a corresponding error.
The core of Connect API is asynchronous messaging which now supports options for parallel processing and different ways to optimize your integration.
Client message container could be seen as an inbox. Client sends a request to the server and then polls the inbox for a response. If there are any messages in the inbox, by default the oldest unread message is returned. The whole cycle of one message consists of three stages: sending the request, retrieving the response and deleting the response.
Typical flow of API requests:
POST [base-url]/payment # submit payment request
GET [base-url]/messages/next # get response message with first payment status
# process message on customer side
DELETE [base-url]/messages/[Message-Response-Id] # confirm message received
POST [base-url]/account-statement # submit account statement request
GET [base-url]/messages/next # get response message with account statement data status
# process message on customer side
DELETE [base-url]/messages/[Message-Response-Id] # confirm message received
GET [base-url]/messages/next # get any other pending messages - additional payment status
# process message on customer side
DELETE [base-url]/messages/[Message-Response-Id] # confirm message received
POST [base-url]/{service-url}
Sample: POST https://connect.lhv.eu/account-statement (the body should contain the actual request)
After successful posting of the request it returns a HTTP header Message-Request-Id, for example:
Message-Request-Id: REQe38a3875c8a94cc0bf48c558a8c9ee82
The Message-Request-Id HTTP header can be used to map any related response messages to the original request. Some request types might receive more than one response message - for example Payment Initiation.
There are different options and services how to consume the messages.
GET [base-url]/messages/next
By default, always the oldest unread (not deleted) message is returned. There are now also additional filter HTTP headers so select different messages as expected by the client:
We have a Service Provider with Client-Code=100100 / Client-Country=EE and two Connected Customer contracts
with Client-Code=200200 / Client-Country=UK and Client-Code=300300 / Client-Country=EE
Use following HTTP header combinations to get messages as expected:
* Get all messages of both Connected Customers and Service Provider itself in a single queue:
Client-Code=100100 / Client-Country=UK
* Get only the messages of Service Provider itself:
Client-Code=100100 / Client-Country=EE / Filter-Service-Provider=1
* Get the messages of one Connected Customer only. NB! Filter-Service-Provider header has no effect in this case:
Client-Code=200200 / Client-Country=UK
Client-Code=300300 / Client-Country=EE
The response contains the following important headers:
When executing the request you can receive following HTTP responses:
GET [base-url]/messages #list of 10 messages by default
GET [base-url]/messages?limit=100 # list of 100 messages
Use this service to get a list of pending messages. You can use this service to request a number of messages at the same time and actually process them in separate threads.
List of messages is returned in JSON format:
"messages": [
"messageResponseId": "RES6b9716cbd77441e197383bc3adf132ef",
"messageRequestId": "REQ190aa98872224310aa0c9912ab4a32e9",
"messageResponseType": "ACCOUNT_STATEMENT",
"clientCode": "12340001",
"clientCountry": "EE",
"messageCreatedTime": "2022-02-28 05:01:33:067"
"messageResponseId": "RES638d6d2b508b4922a61c728d812919fd",
"messageRequestId": "REQ9dbca176f3724dc8854b8b87ef43299a",
"messageResponseType": "FX_TRADE_OFFER",
"clientCode": "12340001",
"clientCountry": "EE",
"messageCreatedTime": "2022-02-28 09:26:12:470"
"messageResponseId": "RES08a92e7c2f6a4468b36f49bfc2a749a5",
"messageRequestId": "REQ2f5331bc9846429bbad08310b1b91bb6",
"messageResponseType": "ACCOUNT_STATEMENT",
"clientCode": "12340001",
"clientCountry": "EE",
"messageCreatedTime": "2022-03-02 05:01:24:263"
To get the message contents use the messages service with expected messageResponseId. You can execute these requests in parallel for several messages.
GET [base-url]/messages/RES6b9716cbd77441e197383bc3adf132ef
GET [base-url]/messages/RES638d6d2b508b4922a61c728d812919fd
GET [base-url]/messages/RES08a92e7c2f6a4468b36f49bfc2a749a5
GET [base-url]/messages/count
Use this service to get the number of pending messages.
Sample response:
"count": 36
Confirm that reading the response was successful by deleting the message from your inbox. For this, use the response id.
DELETE [base-url]/messages/RES4ab8a01dd7ed4ed792f0605761ae532a
This step is important, because you can’t retrieve the next message until you confirm reading the previous message. After delete was successful, you can retrieve the next message.
NB! Unread messages older than 5 days are automatically scheduled for deletion.
Messages can be confirmed (deleted) from the message box also in bulk. This is more useful when used together with List of Messages service.
POST [base-url]/messages/delete
Sample body in JSon format:
"messageResponseIds": [
Response body contains the results for all the requests messages.
Response sample:
"messages": [
"messageResponseId": "RES08dc836da0284e62bdd1abe6c0078e71",
"status": 200
"messageResponseId": "RES86f3c883240e45dbbd82ac52efcb6271",
"status": 200
503 | Service Unavailable | Technical error. |
403 | Forbidden | Authorization or authentication failure. Requested service is not stated in Connect agreement, Connect agreement is not valid or other failure. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Technical error. |
200 | OK | GET request ok. |
202 | Accepted | POST request accepted. |
429 | Too many requests | Too many requests in a given amount of time. |
Service specific errors to Merchant Settlement Report Request and Account Statement Request are returned with following xml file.
List of error codes can be found at the service description.
1.0 | [1..1] | Errors | <Errors> | |
1.1 | [1..n] | +Error | <Error> | |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++ErrorCode | <ErrorCode> | For example, see list of Account Statement Request Error Codes. |
1.3 | [1..1] | ++Description | <Description> | Description text. |
1.4 | [0..1] | ++Field | <Field> | Reference to faulty field. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Description>From date cannot be later than to date.</Description>
<Description>Name can't be null</Description>
FORBIDDEN | Certificate has invalid SERIALNUMBER field | If authentication certificate SERIALNUMBER field is not a number |
FORBIDDEN | Missing 'Client-Country' request header | If request header 'Client-Code' exists but 'Client-Country' header does not |
FORBIDDEN | 'Client-Country' request header value is not in correct format. Length should be 2 characters (i.e. EE) | If request header 'Client-Country' length is not 2 characters |
FORBIDDEN | Can't authenticate. No 'Client-Code' header for service provider | If user is service provider or user is using service provider then 'Client-Code' and 'Client-Country' request headers are mandatory |
FORBIDDEN | User doesn't exist | If user identification data was extracted from request but doesn't find such user from Connect system |
FORBIDDEN | User doesn't have valid contract | If user doesn't have valid contract in active status |
FORBIDDEN | User doesn't have valid certificate for authentication | If user contract has no authentication certificate |
FORBIDDEN | User authentication certificate is different than expected | If the certificate used for the authentication is different than the certificate indicated in the contract |
FORBIDDEN | Can't create certificate, invalid input | If user certificate in the contract is in the wrong format and is not readable |
FORBIDDEN | User authentication certificate is not yet valid | If user certificate valid from date is in the future |
FORBIDDEN | User authentication certificate is expired | If user certificate valid to date is in the past |
FORBIDDEN | Error reading certificate policy | If authentication certificate is issued by SK then it tries to read company policy from certificate and it doesnt find it |
FORBIDDEN | Cant read certificate issuer info | If certificate has invalid issuer field or it doesn't exists |
FORBIDDEN | Certificate file not found | If SK certificate is used and system is trying to do OCSP request but issuer certificate is not found |
FORBIDDEN | SK OCSP request failed | If SK certificate OCSP request failed for some reason (i.e connection failure) |
FORBIDDEN | SK OCSP service doesn't respond | If SK certificate OCSP response is empty |
FORBIDDEN | Certificate SK OCSP response is not valid | If SK certificate OCSP respond that cerficate is not valid |
FORBIDDEN | Invalid certificate subject common name | If trying to read user identification from certificate common name field (CN) and it fails |
FORBIDDEN | User has not been granted the requested service | If service is not enabled in contract |
Several of our core services internally are using the Windows-1257 code page supporting mainly Baltic and a list of other European languages. While the ISO20022 standard messages technically use UTF-8.
In practice in most cases it means that we do technically accept the UTF-8 Unicode characters, but replace them with ? symbols if these characters are not supported by Windows-1257. This rule applies to all API services unless stated differently - including the Payment Initiation.
For example unstructured payment description submitted in the payment file:
//Submitted by customer
Payment description - описание платежа.
//Sent to the payment scheme
Payment description - ???????? ???????.
More info about the code page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1257
In addition to code page requirements Connect applies the following character conversions. These conversions apply before codepage restrictions take place.
Character replacements for all payments
Character(s) | Replacement for all receiver BIC countries |
\ | / |
] } | ) |
[ | ( |
_ ~ | - |
` ’ | ' |
Ę Ē É Ė | E |
ę ē é ė | e |
Ć Č | C |
ć č | c |
Ģ | G |
ģ | g |
Į Ī | I |
į ī | i |
Ķ | K |
ķ | k |
Ļ Ł | L |
ļ ł | l |
Ń Ņ | N |
ń ņ | n |
[character code 160] | space |
€ | E |
Ą Ā Å | A |
æ ą ā å | a |
Ó Ō Ø | O |
ó ō ø | o |
Ū Ų | U |
ū ų | u |
Ś | S |
ś ß | s |
Ź Ż | Z |
ź ż | z |
Additional replacements based on receiver bank BIC country
Original Character(s) | Replacement | Applies to |
{ | ( | ISO, EE |
; | č | ISO, EE |
Ä | A | ISO, GB |
ä | a | ISO, GB |
Õ Ö | O | ISO, GB |
õ ö | o | ISO, GB |
Ü | U | ISO, GB |
ü | u | ISO, GB |
Š | S | ISO, GB |
š | s | ISO, GB |
Ž | Z | ISO, GB |
ž | z | ISO, GB |
By default all date and time data uses Estonian (EE) time zone - depending on the season GMT+2 or GMT+3.
More details: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zone/estonia/tallinn
While (active_time==true) { // your business hours
//loop until you get http result 204 = no content (no new messages)
While (result != 204) {
// read next message
result = GET https://connect.lhv.eu/messages/next
msgid = result.Message-Response-Id // get the HTTP header Message-Response-Id
ProcessMessage(result) // whatever you do with the message
DELETE https://connect.lhv.eu/messages/[msgid]
Sleep 10 min // adjust according to your actual needs
From 2023.08.22 (August 22, referred as Migration Date) all business operations and services related to UK Payment Accounts (customer accounts where IBAN starts with GB...) are migrated from LHV Pank to LHV Bank Limited.
This means that from mentioned date LHV services are provided by two different banks and legal entities:
These activities trigger also some important changes to Connect API and integrations.
Key elements and changes:
More details for these are provided below!
During the Rollover process on the night of August 22/23 access to UK Account related services will be restricted. It will affect:
During the Rollover we are responding with HTTP response code 503 with following:
<Errors><Error><ErrorCode>503</ErrorCode><Description>Access to service temporarily disabled!</Description><Field/></Error></Errors>
EE Account services during the Rollover are not affected. Also any responses to requests submitted before the Rollover started are still available.
As mentioned LHV UK host provides access to both LHV UK and LHV EE services before and after Migration Date.
For our customers it means that any changes required are only configuration. No additional actual development or code changes are expected.
List of required changes:
Other than that the service and anything related is exactly the same from both Hosts before Migration Date.
This also applies to Messages services:
PS! These conditions only apply until Migration date when EE host does not provide further access to UK services!
As mentioned above any changes to API services are expected to be minimal and non-breaking.
There are still some changes that you should review and evaluate if these could have any impact on your integrations.
It can depend on:
Listing the changes:
As from Migration date we are actually providing the services from two different entities we also provide the datetime timezone offset information where applicable.
Common format for UK datetime values shall be following:
# offset can change from +00:00 to 01:00 depending on Standard or Summer Daylight Saving Time
# second fractions precision is 3 decimals or milliseconds
For example:
Details and samples of time formats are described below under services.
-- From UK Host
# Before Migration date by default from LHV EE
# After Migration date by default from LHV UK
-- From EE Host
# Timestamp is already today with offset
-- from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# All messages include offest information
"messageResponseId": "RESd99662d537fa47ff878093b7e6f7bd41",
"messageRequestId": "REQ85be92ff2b774675b778ffbb13678328",
"messageResponseType": "ACCOUNT_BALANCE",
"messageCreatedTime": "2023-09-02T13:48:45.533+03:00",
"bankCode": "LHVEE"
"messageResponseId": "RESd99662d537fa47ff878093b7e6f7bd42",
"messageRequestId": "REQ85be92ff2b774675b778ffbb13678329",
"messageResponseType": "ACCOUNT_BALANCE",
"messageCreatedTime": "2023-09-02T11:48:45.533+01:00"
"bankCode": "LHVUK"
-- from EE Host
# Format is not changed for the time being and there is no offset information. All datetimes are in EE time zone.
"messageResponseId": "RES02a9d219189a423582035fc3748ab175",
"messageResponseType": "CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTIFICATION",
"messageCreatedTime": "2023-08-09 11:42:56:873"
No general technical changes are made to the formats of Payment Initiation messages. There are some limitations coming up related to Migration activities.
-- Responses from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# Both LHV UK and LHV EE messages will include offest information
-- EE Responses
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.03">
-- UK Responses
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.03">
-- Responses from EE Host
# Payment response already include offset information
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.03">
Currently it is possible to submit payments both from EE and UK accounts in a single PAIN.001 XML file - in different
-- Responses from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# Only LHV UK messages will include offest information
-- LHV EE Responses - format does not change with Migration
<Document ... camt.053.001.02.xsd">
-- LHV UK Responses - offset will be included
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Document ... camt.053.001.02.xsd">
-- Responses from EE Host - Response do not include offset information
<Document ... camt.053.001.02.xsd">
-- Responses from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# Only LHV UK messages will include offest information
-- LHV EE Responses - format does not change with Migration
<Document ... camt.054.001.02.xsd">
-- LHV UK Responses - offset will be included
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Document ... camt.054.001.02.xsd">
-- Responses from EE Host
# Response do not include offset information
<Document ... camt.054.001.02.xsd">
-- Responses from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# Only LHV UK messages will include offest information
-- LHV EE Responses - format does not change with Migration
<Document ... camt.052.001.06.xsd">
-- LHV UK Responses - offset will be included
<Document ... camt.052.001.06.xsd">
-- Responses from EE Host
# Response do not include offset information
<Document ... camt.052.001.06.xsd">
Depending on customer's setup Agency Accounts can be synced either to LHV EE, LHV UK or both entities. To support different combinations we have added new optional Bank Codes element to the request.
More info and details at Agency Account Synchronization.
In general no specific testing should be needed for any changes described above. Providing some details and tips for approaching these:
Before going live with your API integrations we should first verify if everything is done according to our specification and good practices - to ensure that customers will get the best experience from the API.
This checklist is also useful when making any changes to your connection or any other activities that could have some impact.
If there are relevant issues with any of the topics mentioned below and it causes problems to our API we might be forced to not allow you to go Live or suspend your existing connection.
Polling and request frequency - You should execute API requests with reasonable frequency - as often as needed for your solution, but not overflow the API with requests that have no actual value. Typical issues:
Syntax and integrity - Please make sure that all requests contain relevant parameters in proper formats. Typical issues:
Account statements and periods - You should execute Account Statements for relevant time periods and frequency. You shouldn't request Account Statements for longer periods too often or when you have already requested the data that does not change anymore. Typical issues:
Error processing - You should have adequate error processing in place. Make sure that your system is able to read the possible error codes and explanations and react on these. Typical issues:
Testing activities in Live
To preserve the integrity of data in the production environment, all testing activities (aka penny testing) need to be done with actual and KYC'd individuals.
This applies most importantly to Payments and VIBAN services. Meaning no dummy data should be used when execution payments, opening VIBAN accounts and relevant KYC documentation has to be on file as per your internal procedures.
New ISO20022 messaging standard will be adopted by payment service providers and payment schemes. This means that also payment initiation messages will be upgraded as follows:
LHV will provide transition period between 03.07.2023 and 31.10.2025 so everyone can start migrating to new messages while both new and old messages are supported in parallel. New messages allow to send additional payment details and have breaking changes in XSD structure.
pain.001.001.09 and pain.008.001.08
Timeline for upgrade
Message/element | Date | Channel | Upcoming change |
pain.001.001.09 | 03.07.2023 | Connect API, Internet Bank | First day when these versions are available to be used. |
pain.002.001.10 pain.008.001.08 | 01.08.2023 | Connect API, Internet Bank | First day when these versions are available to be used. |
Supplementary Data in pain.001.001.09 | 06.07.2023 | Connect API, Internet Bank | First day when supplementary data is available to be used in pain.001. |
Supplementary Data in pain.008.001.08 | 30.09.2023 | Connect API, Internet Bank | First day when supplementary data is available to be used in pain.008. |
pain.002.001.03 pain.001.001.03 pain.008.001.02 | 31.10.2025 | Connect API, Internet Bank | Last day when old message versions can be used. |
Please use following contacts for different requests you might have:
When submitting support requests for technical help or incident resolving, please follow these guidelines:
Providing this valuable information and details helps us resolve your questions faster and better!
Following services are available in the Connect API.
Service | Description and purpose | Services | Formats |
Generic Services | |||
Communication Test | Testing the communication channel and validity of the connection certificates. | GET /heartbeat POST /heartbeat | XML |
Get messages | Get next message from your inbox | GET /messages/next | rp: depends on message |
AIS Services | |||
Account Statement | Getting an account statement or list of transactions for a selected period | POST /account-statement | XML camt.060.001.03 / camt.053.001.02 |
Account Balance | Getting account balances | POST /account-balance | XML camt.060.001.03 / XML camt.052.001.06 |
Automatic Account Statement | Automatically generated account statement for a previous day | (only messages) | XML camt.053.001.02 |
Debit Credit Notification | Notification message about single transactions on account | (only messages) | XML camt.054.001.02 |
PIS Services | |||
Payment Initiation | Service for Payment initiation. Service is used to initiate return payments | POST /payment | XML pain.001.001.03 / pain.002.001.03 (until 31.10.2025) XML pain.001.001.09 / pain.002.001.10 (from 01.07.2023) |
Virtual IBAN Services | |||
Virtual IBAN Open | New Virtual IBAN opening | POST /viban/open | XML |
Virtual IBAN Bulk | Bulk opening nameless Virtual IBANs | POST /viban/bulk | XML |
Virtual IBAN Modify | Add Virtual IBAN holder data to nameless Virtual IBANs or modify existing one | POST /viban/modify | XML |
Virtual IBAN Info | Request Virtual IBAN data | POST /viban/info | XML |
Virtual IBAN Close | Close a Virtual IBAN. | POST /viban/close | XML |
Virtual IBAN Status Notification | Notification message about Virtual IBAN status changes | (only messages) | XML |
Indirect Scheme Access | |||
Agency Account Synchronization | Synchronizing existing TPP account numbers with LHV. | POST /agent/account/synchronize | XML |
Payment Collection Services | |||
Direct Debit Initiation | Service for Direct Debit initiation. | POST /direct-debit/collection | XML pain.008.001.02 / pain.002.001.03 (until 31.10.2025) XML pain.008.001.08 / pain.002.001.10 (from 01.07.2023) |
Foreign Exchange Services | |||
Request FX Trade Offer | Initiate new FX trade offer and quote | POST /fx/trade-offer | JSON |
Confirm FX Trade Offer | Confirm the trade offer | POST /fx/trade-offer-confirmation | JSON |
Merchant Payment Report | |||
Request Merchant Payment Report | Get an overview about customer (merchant) card payments during the specified period | POST /acq/merchant-report | XML |
Response Merchant Payment Report | Notification message about customer (merchant) card payments | (only messages) | XML camt.054.001.02 |
Contract Management Services | |||
Request New Contract | Initiate new Service Provider customer contract creation | POST /contracts | JSON |
Get Contracts List | Get list and information about Service Provider connected customers | GET /contracts | JSON |
Webhook subscribe | Subscribe to a webhook endpoint and upon a new message, we will notify you via the webhook | POST /notifications/subscribe | JSON |
Webhook update | For updating existing (active) webhook subscription | PUT /notifications/subscriptions/:subscriptionReference | JSON |
Webhook unsubsribe | For unsubscribing from existing webhook subscription | DELETE /notifications/subscriptions/:subscriptionReference | JSON |
Webhook search | For searching subscribed (active) webhooks | GET /notifications/subscriptions | JSON |
GET [base-url]/heartbeat
Service for testing if system is up and connection certificate is configured correctly. Returns current system time.
For testing purposes we also recommend first using Curl, Postman or some other API testing tool. Sample Curl statements below - replace yourcert.crt and yourkey.key with your PEM certificate and key files:
// Sandbox:
curl -X GET "https://connect.prelive.lhv.eu/heartbeat" --cert yourcert.crt --key yourkey.key --cacert LHV_test_rootca2011.cer
// Live:
curl -X GET "https://connect.lhv.eu/heartbeat" --cert yourcert.crt --key yourkey.key --cacert DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.crt.pem
// Sandbox - for service providers:
curl -X GET "https://connect.prelive.lhv.eu/heartbeat" --cert yourcert.crt --key yourkey.key --cacert LHV_test_rootca2011.cer -H "Client-Code: 012345678" -H "Client-Country: GB"
// Live - for service providers:
curl -X GET "https://connect.lhv.eu/heartbeat" --cert yourcert.crt --key yourkey.key --cacert DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.crt.pem -H "Client-Code: 012345678" -H "Client-Country: GB"
GET [base-url]/heartbeat/mq
Similar service to regular GET /heartbeat, but will create a response message in the queue that you can read with GET/messagest/next. Response also contains additional information about the user. You can use this service to simulate and play through the general messaging logic without more complex Account Information or Payments requests.
<Name>Connect Demo Customer 1</Name>
<Signatures />
POST [base-url]/heartbeat
Service for testing your BDOC request.
Request should contain signed BDOC containing request.xml file. Service takes authenticated user info, extracts BDOC signature data and request.xml content and composes response xml like below.
Service response can be retrieved via messaging service (GET https://connect.lhv.eu/messages/next).
<Name>LHV Pank AS</Name>
<Name>LHV Pank AS</Name>
Account Statement POST [base-url]/account-statement
Account Statement provides a list of incoming and outgoing transactions and payments with additional details. It can be requested for one Customer Account for the specified period.
Account Balance POST [base-url]/account-balance
Account Balance provides actual and free balance information for any existing currencies on Customer account. It can be requested for one Customer Account at a time. Balances are provided real-time on the moment of generating the response.
With optional Prtry parameter now also Payment limits info can be requested - both total and free limits for Daily and Monthly periods.
Both Account Statement and Account Balance request share the same ISO 20022 Account Report Request camt.060.001.03 XML format. Example of camt.060.001.03
Depending on the service different values in the Request can be used to get data for different periods or details.
Some of these affect only Statements or Balances responses.
[1..1] | MessageRoot | <AcctRptgReq> |
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | |
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identifier generated by requesting party. |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | |
2.0 | [1..1] | +ReportingRequest | <RptgReq> | |
2.1 | [0..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | |
2.2 | [1..1] | ++RequestedMessageNameIdentification | <ReqdMsgNmId> | Supported values: 'camt.053.001.02' BankToCustomerStatement - client request POST https://connect.lhv.eu/account-statement; 'camt.052.001.06' BankToCustomerAccountReport - client request POST https://connect.lhv.eu/account-balance |
2.3 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | |
2.3 | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | |
2.3 | [1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | IBAN number to which the report request refers. When using Virtual/Agency account services - only master account IBAN must be used here. Virtual/Agency account is only displayed in the account statement report. |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++AccountOwner | <AcctOwnr> | |
2.4 | [1..1] | +++Party | <Pty> | Values are ignored. |
2.8 | [1..1] | ++ReportingPeriod | <RptgPrd> | |
2.9 | [1..1] | +++FromToDate | <FrToDt> | |
2.9 | [1..1] | ++++FromDate | <FrDt> | Account statement from date, ISO date format. FromDate cannot be later than ToDate. For camt.052.001.06 value is ignored and only current day is returned. |
2.9 | [1..1] | ++++ToDate | <ToDt> | Account statement to date, ISO date format. For camt.052.001.06 value is ignored and only current day is returned. |
2.10 | [1..1] | +++FromToTime | <FrToTm> | Value is ignored if ReqdBalTp block not added or if ReqdBalTp.CdOrPrtry.Cd.Prtry = DATE. Used when Prtry = DATETIME |
2.10 | [1..1] | +++FromTime | <FrTm> | ISO datetime, inclusive. |
2.10 | [1..1] | +++ToTime | <ToTm> | ISO datetime, exclusive. |
2.13 | [1..1] | +++Type | <Tp> | ‘ALLL’. |
2.14 | [0..1] | ++Requested Balance Type | <ReqdBalTp> | Provides details on the requested balance reporting. |
2.14 | [1..1] | +++Code or Proprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | |
2.14 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | Not used |
2.14 | [1..1] | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | For Account Statement camt.053: 'DATE': return statement based on FromDate and ToDate only; FromTime and ToTime are ignored, 'DATETIME': return statement with FromTime and ToTime support. For Account Balance PAYMENT_LIMITS will also add Payments Limits info in the response. |
Sample is requesting the account statement for account EE337700771001260958.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.060.001.03">
<Pty />
Sample is requesting the Account Balance for account EE477700771001388940.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.060.001.03">
errStatement_NoAccess | No access to the account. |
errStatement_PeriodLong | Period is too long. |
errStatement_PeriodInvalid | From date cannot be later than to date. |
errStatement_RequestInvalid | Request message fails xsd validation. |
The ISO 20022 Account Statement Message camt.053.001.02 standard is used to report account booked transactions and balances of a selected time period. The message includes information about the opening balance, the closing balance, and the available balance together with all booked transactions of a reporting period. The ISO 20022 format allows to include information that is not supported by LHV. That information is not provided by LHV.
Header Message-Response-Type: ACCOUNT_STATEMENT
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once.
Statement – mandatory and repetitive per currency.
Balance – mandatory and repetitive. Contains elements such as Opening Booked Balance and Closing Booked Balance.
Entry – included in the Statement block. Contains information related to an entry on the account.
Entry Details – included in the Entry block. Contains detailed information related to the entry.
[1..1] | MessageRoot | <BkToCstmrStmt> |
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | |
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identifier generated by requesting party. Maximum length 35 characters. |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time when the account statement message is created at LHV. |
1.3 | [0..1] | ++MessageRecipient | <MsgRcpt> | Not used. |
1.4 | [0..1] | ++MessagePagination | <MsgPgntn> | For long account statements containing larger number of transactions pagination can be used - one Account Statement response receives more then one response in the queue. Then this optional block is used. Current pagination limit is 10k transactions. |
1.4 | [0..1] | +++PageNumber | <PgNb> | Sequence number of current paginated long account statement portion. |
1.4 | [0..1] | +++LastPageIndicator | <LastPgInd> | Indicator if current account statement portion is the last one - true/false. |
2.0 | [1..n] | +Statement | <Stmt> | ||
2.1 | [1..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | Unique identification provided by LHV. Identification is generated from the value of GrpHdr.MsgId and the currency for which this Statement block is generated. | |
2.2 | [0..1] | ++ElectronicSequenceNumber | <ElctrncSeqNb> | Not used. | |
2.3 | [0..1] | ++LegalSequenceNumber | <LglSeqNb> | Not used. | |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time when the account statement is generated at LHV. | |
2.5 | [1..1] | ++FromToDate | <FrToDt> | ||
[1..1] | +++FromDateTime | <FrDtTm> | Start date of the reporting period. | ||
[1..1] | +++ToDateTime | <ToDtTm> | End date of the reporting period. | ||
2.10 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | ||
[1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | IBAN for which this statement block is generated. | ||
[0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Account currency for which this statement block is generated. | ||
[0..1] | +++Servicer | <Svcr> | Full information about LHV. | ||
[1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | +++++BIC | <BIC> | LHVBEE22 | ||
[0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | LHV Pank | ||
[0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++AddressType | <AdrTp> | BIZZ | ||
[0..1] | ++++++StreetName | <StrtNm> | Tartu mnt | ||
[0..1] | ++++++BuildingNumber | <BldgNb> | 2 | ||
[0..1] | ++++++PostCode | <PstCd> | 10145 | ||
[0..1] | ++++++TownName | <TwnNm> | Tallinn | ||
[0..1] | ++++++CountrySubdivision | <CtrySubDvsn> | Harjumaa | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Country | <Ctry> | EE | ||
2.11 | [0..1] | ++RelatedAccount | <RltdAcct> | Not used. | |
2.23 | [1..n] | ++Balance | <Bal> | ||
2.24 | [1..1] | +++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.25 | [1..1] | ++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
2.26 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Balance. | |
2.31 | [0..1] | +++CreditLine | <CdtLine> | Not used. | |
2.34 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | Balance amount. | |
2.35 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | See the codes in Code Set: Credit and Debit Code. | |
2.36 | [1..1] | +++Date | <Dt> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Balance date | ||
2.43 | [1..1] | ++TransactionsSummary | <TxsSummry> | ||
2.44 | [0..1] | +++TotalEntries | <TtlNtries> | Not used. | |
2.49 | [1..1] | +++TotalCreditEntries | <TtlCdtNtries> | ||
2.50 | [0..1] | ++++NumberOfEntries | <NbOfNtries> | Number of credit entries in a given Statement block. | |
2.51 | [1..1] | ++++Sum | <Sum> | Sum of all credit entries in a given statement block. | |
2.52 | [1..1] | +++TotalDebitEntries | <TtlDbtNtries> | ||
2.53 | [0..1] | ++++NumberOfEntries | <NbOfNtries> | Number of debit ebtries in a given Statement block. | |
2.54 | [1..1] | ++++Sum | <Sum> | Sum of all debit entries in a given Statement block. | |
2.76 | [0..n] | ++Entry | <Ntry> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | +++EntryReference | <NtryRef> | Not used. | |
2.78 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | Transaction amount (may be zero). | |
2.79 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | See the codes in Code Set: Credit and Debit Code. | |
2.80 | [0..1] | +++ReversalIndicator | <RvslInd> | True (1) if credit transaction is return of payment | |
2.81 | [1..1] | +++Status | <Sts> | BOOK | |
2.82 | [1..1] | +++BookingDate | <BookgDt> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Booking date. | ||
2.83 | [1..1] | +++ValueDate | <ValDt> | ||
[1..1] | ++++DateTime | <DtTm> | Transaction date with time. | ||
2.84 | [1..1] | +++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique payment ID assigned by the bank. | |
2.91 | [1..1] | +++BankTransactionCode | <BkTxCd> | ||
2.92 | [1..1] | ++++Domain | <Domn> | ||
2.93 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.94 | [1..1] | +++++Family | <Fmly> | ||
2.95 | [1..1] | ++++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.96 | [1..1] | ++++++SubFamilyCode | <SubFmlyCd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.97 | [0..1] | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
3.21 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | Payment scheme code - Code Set: Payment scheme. | |
2.101 | [0..1] | +++AdditionalInformationIndicator | <AddtlInfInd> | Not used. | |
2.135 | [1..n] | +++EntryDetails | <NtryDtls> | ||
2.136 | [0..1] | ++++Batch | <Btch> | Not used. | |
2.142 | [0..n] | ++++TransactionDetails | <TxDtls> | ||
2.143 | [1..1] | +++++References | <Refs> | ||
2.144 | [0..1] | ++++++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Not used. | |
2.145 | [0..1] | ++++++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique payment ID assigned by the bank. | |
2.146 | [0..1] | ++++++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Unique identification assigned by a sending party. For outgoing payments reference to the original payment initiation message value PmtInf.PmtInfId. | |
2.147 | [0..1] | ++++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Payment order number. | |
2.148 | [0..1] | ++++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | ||
2.149 | [0..1] | ++++++TransactionIdentification | <TxId> | Not used. | |
2.199 | [0..1] | +++++RelatedParties | <RltdPties> | ||
2.200 | [0..1] | ++++++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | Not used. | |
2.201 | [0..1] | ++++++Debtor | <Dbtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Debtor’s name. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Country | <Ctry> | Debtor’s country ISO code. | ||
[0..7] | ++++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Debtor’s address. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | If account statement was requested for Virtual/Agency account master account this tag will be empty for debit transaction. | ||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Debtor’s BIC or BEI. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Debtor’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Debtor’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Debtor’s city of birth. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Debtor’s country of birth. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Debtor’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.202 | [0..1] | ++++++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | If account statement was requested for Virtual/Agency account master account, Virtual/Agency account account number is displayed here for debit transaction. | |
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Debtor’s IBAN. | |
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Debtor’s bank account number which is not IBAN. For Faster Payments (incoming): UK sort code + account nr (14 characters) | ||
2.203 | [0..1] | ++++++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate debtor’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate debtor’s BIC or BEI. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate debtor’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate debtor’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s city of birth. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s country of birth. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate debtor’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.204 | [0..1] | ++++++Creditor | <Cdtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++Country | <Ctry> | Creditor’s country ISO code. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Creditor’s address. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | If account statement was requested for Virtual/Agency account master account this tag will be empty for credit transaction | ||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Creditor’s BIC or BEI. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Creditor’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Creditor’s city of birth. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Creditor’s country of birth. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.205 | [0..1] | ++++++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | If account statement was requested for Virtual/Agency account master account, Virtual/Agency account account number is displayed here for credit transaction | |
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[0..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Creditor’s IBAN. UK Faster Payments (outgoing) - when also payment request contained IBAN. | |
[0..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s account number which is not IBAN. UK Faster Payments (outgoing) - when also payment request contained sort code + domestic account nr. For Faster Payments (incoming): UK sort code + account nr (14 characters) | ||
2.206 | [0..1] | ++++++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate creditor’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate creditor’s BIC or BEI. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate creditor’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s city of birth. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s country of birth. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.211 | [0..1] | +++++RelatedAgents | <RltdAgts> | ||
2.212 | [0..1] | ++++++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the debtor’s bank. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the debtor’s bank. | ||
2.213 | [0..1] | ++++++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the creditor’s bank. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the creditor’s bank. | ||
2.214 | [0..1] | ++++++IntermediaryAgent1 | <IntrmyAgt1> | Not used. | |
2.215 | [0..1] | ++++++IntermediaryAgent2 | <IntrmyAgt2> | Not used. | |
2.216 | [0..1] | ++++++IntermediaryAgent3 | <IntrmyAgt3> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the creditor’s correspondent bank. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the creditor’s correspondent bank. | ||
2.224 | [0..1] | +++++Purpose | <Purp> | ||
2.225 | [1..1] | {Or | ++++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Purpose. |
2.226 | [1..1] | Or} | ++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.227 | [0..10] | +++++RelatedRemittanceInformation | <RltdRmtInf> | Not used. | |
2.234 | [0..1] | +++++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | ||
2.235 | [0..n] | ++++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Payment description. | |
2.236 | [0..n] | ++++++Structured | <Strd> | ||
2.256 | [0..n] | +++++++CreditorReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | ||
2.257 | [0..1] | ++++++++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.258 | [1..1] | +++++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
2.259 | [1..1] | {Or | ++++++++++Code | <Cd> | SCOR |
2.260 | [1..1] | Or} | ++++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.261 | [0..1] | +++++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
2.262 | [0..1] | ++++++++Reference | <Ref> | Payment reference number. | |
2.293 | [0..1] | +++++ReturnInformation | <RtrInf> | Return information. | |
2.304 | [0..1] | ++++++Reason | <Rsn> | ||
2.305 | [1..1] | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | NARR if AdditionalInformation is filled. |
2.306 | [1..1] | Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.307 | [0..n] | ++++++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | Used with Reason/Code NARR. For returned payment reference to original payment message pain.001.001.09 PmtInfId value. Additional rows with format CD:NNNNNNNN refer to payment scheme specific return codes. |
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02 camt.053.001.02.xsd">
<Nm>AS LHV Pank</Nm>
<StrtNm>Tartu mnt.</StrtNm>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">4497512.65</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">4497505.65</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">1.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">1.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">1.00</Amt>
<Ustrd>Card (..6748) monthly fee</Ustrd>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">1.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">1.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">1.00</Amt>
<Nm>Silver Kullassepp</Nm>
<Nm>Test Client</Nm>
<Nm>AS LHV Pank</Nm>
<Nm>AS LHV Pank</Nm>
<Ustrd>EUR payment</Ustrd>
<Nm>AS LHV Pank</Nm>
<StrtNm>Tartu mnt.</StrtNm>
<Amt Ccy="USD">1216.13</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="USD">1215.13</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="USD">1.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="USD">1.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="USD">1.00</Amt>
<Nm>Silver Kullassepp</Nm>
<AdrLine>Tartu mnt, Tallinn, 11111</AdrLine>
<Nm>John Smith</Nm>
<Nm>AS LHV Pank</Nm>
<Ustrd>USD payment</Ustrd>
For long account statements containing larger number of transactions pagination can be used - one Account Statement response receives more than one response in the queue.
Currently the pagination limit per message is 10 000 transactions. Total amount of transactions in any response is 100 000 - in 10 separate response messages.
First response message header part:
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02 camt.053.001.02.xsd">
Second and final response message header part:
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02 camt.053.001.02.xsd">
The ISO 20022 Account Report Message camt.052.001.06 is used to report current account balance and optionally payment limits. The report returns two balances: current booked balance (without reservations) and current available balance (with reservations). If client has no balance in any currency, then 0 EUR balance is returned.
Payment limits are provided only for company based API limits. Personalized limits for company representatives are not provided here and available in the Internet Bank.
Header Message-Response-Type: ACCOUNT_BALANCE
Group Header - mandatory, occurs once.
Report - mandatory and repetitive per currency. Includes zero to many Balance blocks.
[1..1] | MessageRoot | <BkToCstmrAcctRpt> |
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | |
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identifier generated by LHV. |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time when the account statement message is created at LHV. |
1.3 | [0..1] | ++MessageRecipient | <MsgRcpt> | Not used. |
1.4 | [0..1] | ++MessagePagination | <MsgPgntn> | Not used. |
2.0 | [1..n] | +Report | <Rpt> | Report block is generated per every account and currency. |
2.1 | [1..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | Unique identification generated by LHV. |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Creation date and time. |
2.5 | [0..1] | ++FromToDate | <FrToDt> | Period for what this report is generated. |
2.5 | [1..1] | +++FromDateTime | <FrDtTm> | From date and time in camt.060.001.02 request. |
2.5 | [1..1] | +++ToDateTime | <ToDtTm> | To date and time in camt.060.001.02 request. |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | |
2.10 | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Account number for what this report is generated. |
2.10 | [0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Currency of this report block. |
2.23 | [0..n] | ++Balance | <Bal> | Report has two balances: current booked balance and current available balance. |
2.24 | [1..1] | +++Type | <Tp> | |
2.25 | [1..1] | ++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | |
2.26 | [0..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | ITAV for current available balance; ITBD for interim booked balance. |
2.26 | [0..1] | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | PAYMENT_LIMIT_MONTHLY_TOTAL - total Monthly limit; PAYMENT_LIMIT_MONTHLY_FREE free Monthly limit. PAYMENT_LIMIT_DAILY_TOTAL - total Daily limit; PAYMENT_LIMIT_DAILY_FREE free Daily limit. |
2.34 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | Balance amount. |
2.35 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | See the codes in Code Set: Credit and Debit Code. |
2.36 | [1..1] | +++Date | <Dt> | |
2.36 | [1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Date of the balance. |
2.76 | [0..n] | ++Entry | <Ntry> | Entry data is not returned. |
Sample account EE477700771001388940 has balances in EUR and GBP. Payment limits are in EUR.
<Document xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.052.001.06" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.052.001.06 camt.052.001.06.xsd">
<Amt Ccy="EUR">110003428.63</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">109998795.38</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">100000.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">99995.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">10000.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">9995.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="GBP">110000037.12</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="GBP">110000037.12</Amt>
The ISO 20022 Bank To Customer Debit Credit Notification camt.054.001.02 standard is used to report customer of payments on the account. Both credit and debit transactions are included.
The message does not include balance information.
Header Message-Response-Type: CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTIFICATION
Debit Credit Notification message does not include the Message-Request-Id HTTP header!
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once.
Notificaton – mandatory and repetitive per account number and currency. One notification block can include many entries.
Entry – optional and repetitive. Contains information about single entry.
[1..1] | MessageRoot | <BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn> |
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | ||
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identifier generated by LHV. | |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time when the notification message is created at LHV. | |
2.0 | [1..n] | +Notification | <Ntfctn> | ||
2.1 | [1..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | Unique notification identifier generated by LHV. | |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time when the notification is created at LHV. | |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | ||
[1..1] | +++ Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | IBAN for which this notification block is generated. When using Virtual/Agency account services - the master account IBAN is used here, and Virtual/Agency account in debitor and creditor blocks. | ||
[1..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Currency for which this notification block is generated. | ||
[0..1] | +++Owner | <Ownr> | Account owner information. | ||
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Account owner name. | ||
[1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | Legal customer registry code or private customer personal code. | ||
[1..1] | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Legal customer registry code. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Private customer personal code. | ||
[1..1] | +++Servicer | <Svcr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++BIC | <BIC> | LHVBEE22. | ||
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | LHV Pank. | ||
2.56 | [1..1] | ++Entry | <Ntry> | Transaction level entry. | |
2.58 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt Ccy="AAA"> | Transaction amount (may be zero). | |
2.59 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | Code Set: Credit and debit code. Zero amount is considered a credit amount. | |
2.60 | [0..1] | +++ReversalIndicator | <RvslInd> | True (1) if credit transaction is return of payment | |
2.61 | [1..1] | +++Status | <Sts> | BOOK. | |
2.62 | [1..1] | +++BookingDate | <BookgDt> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Transaction date. | ||
2.63 | [1..1] | +++ValueDate | <ValDt> | ||
[1..1] | ++++DateTime | <DtTm> | Transaction date with time and offset. | ||
2.64 | [1..1] | +++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique payment ID assigned by the bank. | |
2.71 | [1..1] | +++BankTransactionCode | <BkTxCd> | ||
2.72 | [1..1] | ++++Domain | <Domn> | ||
2.73 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.74 | [1..1] | +++++Family | <Fmly> | ||
2.75 | [1..1] | ++++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.76 | [1..1] | ++++++SubFamilyCode | <SubFmlyCd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
3.78 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | Payment scheme code - Code Set: Payment scheme. | |
2.115 | [1..n] | +++EntryDetails | <NtryDtls> | ||
2.122 | [1..n] | ++++TransactionDetails | <TxDtls> | ||
2.123 | [1..1] | +++++References | <Refs> | ||
2.125 | [0..1] | ++++++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique payment ID assigned by the bank. | |
2.126 | [0..1] | ++++++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Unique identification assigned by a sending party. For outgoing payments reference to the original payment initiation message value PmtInf.PmtInfId. | |
2.127 | [0..1] | ++++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Payment order number. | |
2.128 | [0..1] | ++++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | ||
2.136 | [1..1] | +++++AmountDetails | <AmtDtls> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++Amount | <Amt Ccy="AAA"> | Transaction amount (may be zero). | ||
2.179 | [0..1] | +++++RelatedParties | <RltdPties> | ||
2.181 | [0..1] | ++++++Debtor | <Dbtr> | Block is included for: credit transactions; debit transactions for Virtual/Agency account master account | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Remitter’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++Country | <Ctry> | Remitter’s country ISO code. | ||
[0..7] | ++++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Remitter’s address. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | {{Or | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Remitter’s BIC or BEI. | |
[0..n] | Or}} | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Issuer | <Issr> | |||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | |||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s personal code. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.182 | [0..1] | ++++++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | Block is included for: credit transactions; debit transactions for Virtual/Agency account master account | |
+++++++Identification | <Id> | ||||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Remitter’s IBAN for credit transaction and Virtual/Agency account for debit transactions. | |
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s bank account number which is not IBAN. For Faster Payments (incoming): UK sort code + account nr (14 characters) | ||
2.183 | [0..1] | ++++++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate remitter’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[0..7] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | {{Or | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate remitter’s BIC or BEI. | |
[1..1] | Or}} | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate remitter’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate remitter’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s city of birth. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s country of birth. | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultlimate remitter’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.184 | [0..1] | ++++++Creditor | <Cdtr> | Block is included for: debit transactions; credit transactions for Virtual/Agency account master account | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++Country | <Ctry> | Remitter’s country ISO code. | ||
[0..7] | ++++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Remitter’s address. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[0..7] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | {{Or | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Creditor’s BIC or BEI. | |
[1..1] | Or}} | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Creditor’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Creditor’s city of birth. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Creditor’s country of birth. | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.185 | ++++++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | Block is included for: debit transactions; credit transactions for Virtual/Agency account master account | ||
+++++++Identification | <Id> | ||||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Creditor’s IBAN for debit transaction and Virtual/Agency account for credit transactions. UK Faster Payments - used when also payment request contained IBAN. | |
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s account number which is not IBAN. UK Faster Payments (outgoing) - when also payment request contained sort code + domestic account nr. For Faster Payments (incoming): UK sort code + account nr (14 characters) | ||
2.186 | [0..1] | ++++++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate creditor’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[0..7] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | {{Or | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate creditor’s BIC or BEI. | |
[1..1] | Or}} | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate creditor’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s city of birth. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s country of birth. | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.191 | [0..1] | +++++RelatedAgents | <RltdAgts> | ||
2.192 | [0..1] | ++++++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the remitter’s bank. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the remitter’s bank. | ||
2.193 | [0..1] | ++++++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the creditor’s bank. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the creditor’s bank. | ||
2.204 | [0..1] | +++++Purpose | <Purp> | ||
2.205 | [1..1] | {Or | ++++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Purpose. |
2.206 | [1..1] | Or} | ++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.214 | [0..1] | +++++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | ||
2.215 | [0..n] | ++++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Payment description. | |
2.216 | [0..n] | ++++++Structured | <Strd> | ||
2.236 | [0..1] | +++++++CreditorReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | ||
2.237 | [0..1] | ++++++++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.238 | [1..1] | +++++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
2.239 | [1..1] | {Or | ++++++++++Code | <Cd> | SCOR |
2.240 | [1..1] | Or} | ++++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.241 | [0..1] | +++++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
2.242 | [0..1] | ++++++++Reference | <Ref> | Payment reference number. | |
2.273 | [0..1] | +++++ReturnInformation | <RtrInf> | Return information. | |
2.284 | [0..1] | ++++++Reason | <Rsn> | ||
2.285 | [1..1] | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | NARR if AdditionalInformation is filled. |
2.286 | [1..1] | Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.287 | [0..n] | ++++++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | Used with Reason/Code NARR. For returned payment reference to orignal payment message pain.001.001.09 PmtInfId value. Additional rows with format CD:NNNNNNNN refer to payment scheme specific return codes. |
This sample matches the sample payment under Payment Initiation - from customer "LHV Connect Demo 1" to customer "LHV Connect Demo 2".
It is the outgoing payment from "LHV Connect Demo 1" account EE337700771001260958.
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.054.001.02">
<Nm>LHV Connect Demo 1</Nm>
<Nm>AS LHV Pank</Nm>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">2.50</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">2.50</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">2.50</Amt>
<Nm>LHV Connect Demo 2</Nm>
<Nm>AS LHV Pank</Nm>
<Nm>AS LHV Pank</Nm>
<Ustrd>Payment Description LHVTEST01A</Ustrd>
Service for executing payments.
SEPA - Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). List of countries belonging to the area.
EEA - European Economic Area country
SEPA Credit Transfer - also referred to as SEPA payment, European payment. Payment in EUR to a bank within the SEPA area that is a member of STEP2 SCT or T2 payment clearing and settlement system. List of STEP2 SCT participants and list of T2 participants. In LHV Pank (EE) product name is European payment
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer - also referred to as instant payment. A payment in EUR to a bank within the SEPA area which is a member of RT1 or TIPS payment clearing and settlement system. List of RT1 and TIPS participants.
T2 - List on T2 participants. If T2 payment initiation goes to SEPA country and beneficiary bank is reachable via T2 system, then SEPA rules apply. If T2 payment initiation goes to SEPA country and beneficiary bank is not reachable via T2 system, then SWIFT rules apply. If T2 payment initiation goes to non SEPA country and beneficiary bank is reachable via T2 system, then SWIFT rules apply.
Swift - in LHV Pank (EE) product name is Foreign Payment. Swift payment is a) Payment in another currency than EUR. b) Payment in EUR but cannot be settled on RT1, TIPS, STEP2 SCT. If receiving bank is not located in SEPA area but payment currency is EUR then payment is settled if possible in T2 and swift payment fees apply.
Internal - Payment account opened in LHV Pank (EE) to account opened in LHV Pank (EE)
Group - Payment from/to LHV Pank (EE) to/from LHV Bank (UK)
POST [base-url]/payment
Request message format is Customer to bank Payment Initiation (pain.001 message) that covers SEPA, SEPA Instant and other payments schemes and types available at LHV Pank. See the whole list
One payment initiation message may contain up to 1500 single payments.
Payment Status Report (pain.002) is returned to inform about the status of imported payments. More than one status may be returned for one payment.
According to regulations and especially PSD2 by default all payments should be confirmed by the customer using SCA (Strong Customer Authentication). Depending on the customer and contract conditions there are different options and also exceptions.
LHV Connect currently supports following options:
Payment files are submitted in XML format and processed instantly, without additional user actions or confirmations. No SCA is needed. This option is typically available only for Service Providers licensed by Estonian FI - including those from the EU and EEA.
Separate daily and monthly limits for Connect payments are followed. Virtual or Agency account payments are possible only using this option. Also additional contract appendix must be signed to use this possibility and additional security measures are agreed with the customer.
header Content-Type: application/xml
Payment files are submitted in XML format, but not processed instantly. Payments must be confirmed in the Internet bank under Pending payments section and can be signed and confirmed only there. This follows the typical SCA process and is mostly used by companies not holding any PSP license. Only after confirmation the payments are processed and debited from the account. Internet Bank daily and monthly limits and acceptance rate is applied.
header Content-Type: application/xml
Payment files are sent in Estonian standard BDOC or ASIC-E container. This method also follows the standard SCA rules, but can provide a smoother user experience and faster processing - depending on the Customers interface where container is created. Internet bank daily and monthly limits and signature rights are followed. If payment requires more than one signature, all signatures must be included in the container. Limit usage is taken into account for the latest signer.
header Content-Type: application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zip
XML message has to be signed and the created BDOC has to be put into the body of the message. Whoever signed the document has to have adequate limits and rights for the execution of the payment. XML file needs to be named as "request.xml".
In addition to legal person or representative signatures we also accept company digital seals (so called crypto-stick) but this option is available only for financial institutions.
Following payment schemes are supported for payments initiated through LHV Connect:
Payment scheme selection decisions can be done automatically (the default option) or submitted in the XML instructions.
Manual selection of payment scheme is done using optional tags in the XML structure - PmtInf.PmtTpInf.SvcLvl.Prtry for group level or CdtTrfTxInf.PmtTpInf.SvcLvl.Prtry for every payment individually.
Only if these tags are added system tries to use the provided scheme. If not added, then it will work as before – best scheme is selected automatically. Possible values are:
<PmtInf> //Group setting
<PmtTpInf> //Single payment setting
Additional notes:
Clearing times and limitations
See also: https://www.lhv.ee/en/payments and https://www.lhv.ee/en/payments_instructions_and_time_limits
Payment type | Currency | Creditor bank | Charges | Priority |
European Payment (Instant, SEPA) | EUR | SEPA | SLEV | EXPR |
Cross Border Payment (Swift) | EEA Currency | EEA | SHAR | HIGH, EXPR |
Cross Border Payment (Swift) | Non EEA Currency | EEA | SHAR | NORM, HIGH, EXPR |
Cross Border Payment (Swift) | EEA + Non EEA Currency | Non EEA | SHAR, DEBT | NORM, HIGH, EXPR |
Payment returns can be initiated with pain.001 message. Currently, it is available for SEPA (Instant) Credit Transfer, Group payment, and Swift if it is processed via T2.
Instruction for Debtor Agent tag (index 2.85) is used to refer to the Account Servicer Reference and return reason code of the payment to be returned.
Return must contain correct scheme return code found in appendix.
LHV is using custom version of pain.001.001.09.xsd.
Multiplicity (MULT.) Informs how many times an element can or must be used, as defined by ISO standard.
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once.
Payment Information – mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to mostly the debit side of the payment.
Credit Transfer Transaction Information – mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to the payment(s) included in the message.
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> |
[1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | ||
[1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | ||
[1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | ||
[1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Number of payments in all Payment Information blocks included in this message. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
[1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Control sum of all individual amounts for all Payment Information blocks included in this message, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
[1..1] | ++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | Party initiating the payment to an agent | |
[0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Initiating party name. | |
[0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See address structure and details here. | |
[0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | Initiating party BIC code. | |
[0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | LEI code. Not supported, values ignored | |
[0..n] | +++++Other | <Othr> | Other identifier. Not supported, values ignored | |
Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | Not supported | |
[0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Initiating party country of residence | |
[0..1] | ++ForwardingAgent | <FwdgAgt> | Financial institution that receives the instruction from the initiating party and forwards it to the next agent in the payment chain for execution. | |
[1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++BICFI | <BICFI> | Forwarding agent BIC code. | |
[0..1] | ++++LEI | <LEI> | LEI code. Not supported, values ignored | |
[0..1] | ++++Other | <Othr> | Other identifier. Not supported, values ignored | |
[0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Forwarding agent name. | |
[0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See address structure and details here. |
[1..n] | +PaymentInformation | <PmtInf> | ||
[1..1] | ++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Uniquely identifies the payment information group within this message. | |
[1..1] | ++PaymentMethod | <PmtMtd> | Only the value TRF (credit transfer) is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | |
[0..1] | ++BatchBooking | <BtchBookg> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Number of payment included in the current Payment Information block. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
[1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Control sum of all individual amounts in the current Payment Information block, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
[0..1] | ++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | ||
[0..1] | +++InstructionPriority | <InstrPrty> | ||
[0..1] | +++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | ||
[0..1] | +++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||
{Or | ++++Code | <Cd> | ||
Or} | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment priority information. The value here applies to all payments included in the current Payment Information block. See the supported values in Code Set: Payment Priority. | |
[0..1] | +++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose. | |
[1..1] | ++Requested Execution Date | <ReqdExctnDt><Dt> | Date on which the debtor’s account is debited. | |
[1..1] | ++Debtor | <Dbtr> | Party from whose account the amount of payment is to be debited. If a different party’s information is entered, it will be ignored. | |
[1..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Debtor’s name. For Virtual IBAN or indirect agent - the holder name (not the master account owner). Debtor name is mandatory if payment is initiated from indirect agent's existing accounts. | |
[0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See address structure and details here. If payment is initiated with indirect agent's existing accounts, following rule applies: (Town Name and Country) or (Country and Address Line) are required. | |
[0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | For Virtual IBAN - do not use | |
{Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | Debtor BIC code. | |
[0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Debtor LEI code. | |
[0..n] | +++++Other | <Othr> | Other identifier. | |
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | |
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
{Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Debtor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
[1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Debtor’s city of birth. | |
[1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Debtor’s birth country ISO code. | |
Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Debtor’s identification code. | |
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
[1..1] | ++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | Debtor’s account. Can be client account where payment amount is debited, Virtual IBAN, or Indirect Agency account (both LHV and client generated accounts). | |
[1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Debtor’s IBAN or Virtual IBAN. | |
{Or | ++++Other | <Othr> | Debtor's non-IBAN account number (for example, UK account number). | |
Or}} | +++++Identification | <Id> | Account number. | |
[0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Not required to be filled in. The payment will be made in the currency of the payment amount. If there are not enough funds available on the account, a relevant error message will appear. | |
[1..1] | ++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | Debtor’s bank information. Not supported and ignored | |
[0..1] | ++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | Used for SEPA or Target2 payments. Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate debtor information is filled in at the Payment Information level, it will apply to all payments included in this block. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the debtor. | |
[0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate debtor’s name. | |
[0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Ultimate debtor's postal address. See address structure and details here. | |
[0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | Ultimate debtor's BIC code. | |
[0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Organisation LEI code. | |
[0..n] | +++++Other | <Othr> | Other identifier. | |
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | |
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification | |
Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
{Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate debtor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
[0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s province of birth. | |
[1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s city of birth. | |
[1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s birth country ISO code. | |
Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate debtor’s identification code. | |
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
[0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Ultimate debtor’s country of residence. | |
[0..1] | ++ChargesBearer | <ChrgBr> | See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer. | |
[0..1] | ++ChargesAccount | <ChrgsAcct> | LHV does not support charge debiting from other than debtor’s account. | |
[1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
[1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | ||
[0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | ||
[1..n] | ++CreditTransferTransactionInformation | <CdtTrfTxInf> | This block contains a set of elements providing information on the payment(s) included in the message. | |
[1..1] | +++PaymentIdentification | <PmtId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the instruction. | |
[1..1] | ++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. | |
[0..1] | ++++UETR | <UETR> | Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference in UUIDv4 format. Details on Swift page | |
[1..1] | +++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Set of elements used to specify the type of payment. | |
[1..1] | ++++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | Agreement of rules according to which the payment must be processed. Pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply. | |
[1..1] | +++++Prtry | <Prtry> | Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code. Allowed values: INST, SEPA, TARGET2, ALL - equals as uploaded without interface type. Other values return validation error. | |
[0..1] | ++++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||
{Or | +++++Code | <Cd> | ||
Or} | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment priority information. The value here applies to the payment included in the current Credit Transfer Transaction Information block. See the supported values in Code Set: Payment Priority. | |
[0..1] | ++++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||
[1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose. | |
[1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | ||
{Or | ++++InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt> | Payment amount and the currency ordered by the initiating party. All currencies accepted by the bank for payment services are allowed. If there are not enough funds available on the account in a given currency, a relevant error message will appear. | |
Or} | ++++EquivalentAmount | <EqvtAmt> | Not used. | |
[0..1] | +++ChargeBearer | <ChrgBr> | See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer. | |
[0..1] | +++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate debtor information is filled in at the Payment Information level, it will apply to all payments included in this block. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the debtor. Transferred to the respective payment scheme only in cases of SEPA Payments, SEPA Instant Payments or Target2). | |
[0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate debtor’s name. | |
[0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See address structure and details here Ultimate debtor's postal address. | |
[0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | Ultimate debtor's BIC code. | |
[0..1] | ++++++LEI | <LEI> | Organisation LEI code. | |
[0..n] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | |
[0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
{Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate debtor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
[0..1] | +++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s city of birth. | |
[1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s birth country ISO code. | |
Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate debtor’s identification code. | |
[0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
[0..1] | ++++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Ultimate debtor’s country of residence. | |
[0..1] | +++IntermediaryAgent1..3 | <IntrmyAgt1..3> | Ignored. Information about the creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank. | |
[0..1] | +++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | Creditor agent’s information is required for SWIFT payments. | |
[1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++BICFI | <BICFI> | Creditor’s bank’s BIC. | |
[0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | LEI code. Not supported, values ignored | |
[0..n] | +++++Othr | <Othr> | Other identifier. Not supported, values ignored | |
[0..1] | +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification | <ClrSysMmbId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++ClearingSystemIdentification | <ClrSysId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | For the clearing system’s identification code see the External Code Sets spreadsheet on the ISO website. | |
[1..1] | ++++++MemberIdentification | <MmbId> | Creditor’s bank identification in a clearing system. | |
[0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor's bank name. Usage rule: The name is limited to 70 characters in length. Used when the BIC or the clearing system’s member identification is not known to the initiating party. | |
[0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See address structure and details here | |
[0..1] | +++CreditorAgentAccount | <CdtrAgtAcct> | Creditor’s bank account at its correspondent bank. Not supported, values ignored. | |
[1..1] | +++Creditor | <Cdtr> | Creditor’s information. | |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor’s name. Maximum length 255 characters for payments to LHV bank accounts or maximum 70 characters for payments to any other bank. | |
[0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See address structure and details here | |
[0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | |
{Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | Creditor's BIC code. | |
[0..1] | ++++++LEI | <LEI> | Organisation LEI code. | |
[0..n] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | Other identifier. | |
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | |
[0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
{Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Creditor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
[1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Creditor’s city of birth. | |
[1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Creditor’s birth country ISO code. | |
Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | |
[0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
[1..1] | +++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | Creditor’s account. | |
[1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | +++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Creditor’s IBAN. | |
Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s account number. | |
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | Ignored | |
[0..1] | +++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | SEPA specific information. Ultimate creditor is the ultimate creditor of the payment. | |
[0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate creditor’s name. | |
[0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | Ultimate creditor's BIC code. | |
[0..1] | ++++++LEI | <LEI> | Organisation LEI code. | |
[0..1] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | Other identifier. | |
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s organisation identification. | |
[0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
{Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate creditor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
[1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s city of birth. | |
[1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s birth country ISO code. | |
Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s identification. | |
[0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
[0..1] | +++InstructionForDebtorAgent> | <InstrForDbtrAgt | Used for referencing return payment for SEPA, Instant and Target2. Format: 'RTRN:00000002:12345678' where RTRN is code for return; 00000002 is Payment Scheme Return Code; 12345678 is Account Servicer Reference of original incoming payment to be returned. | |
[0..1] | +++Purpose | <Purp> | SEPA specific information. Reason for the payment. | |
[1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported codes in Code Set: Purpose. | |
[0..10] | +++RegulatoryReporting | <RgltryRptg> | Information about the declaration of payments. Not supported, values ignored. | |
[0..1] | +++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | Used to enter the payment description (unstructured) and the reference number (structured). It is mandatory to provide one or the other and both can be present. If both structured and unstructured information are filled in, only 140 characters of combined length is accepted. Reference number (structured) must comply with Estonian reference standard or Creditor reference | |
[0..1] | ++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Payment description is entered here. The bank will deliver only the first 140 characters of the remittance information. | |
[0..1] | ++++Structured | <Strd> | ||
[0..1] | +++++CreditorReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Type | <Tp> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | Only the value SCOR is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Reference | <Ref> | Payment reference number is entered here. If Debtor´s bank locates in Estonia then reference number must comply with Estonian reference standard or Creditor reference | |
[0..n] | +++Supplementary Data | <SplmtryData> | See details in supplementary data section. | |
[0..1] | ++++Place and Name | <PlcAndNm> | Field ignored | |
[1..1] | ++++Data Envelope | <Envlp> | ||
[1..1] | +++++Document | <Document> | ||
[0..n] | ++++++Party Data | <PartyData> | Additional data block | |
[1..1] | +++++++Party Code | <Party> | Defines which party this data is related to. Possible values: DEBTOR, CREDITOR, ULTIMATE_DEBTOR, ULTIMATE_CREDITOR | |
[1..1] | +++++++Data Key | <Key> | Additional data element being sent. Possible values: DATE_OF_BIRTH, MCC, PSP_SCENARIO. | |
[1..1] | +++++++Data Value | <Value> | Additional data element value |
Common address structure is used throughout the payment initiation message.
If PostalAddress is used then minimum Country and Town Name must be present.
Some additional requirements apply:
[0..1] | Department | <Dept> | ||
[0..1] | Sub-department name | <SubDebt> | ||
[0..1] | Street name | <StrtNm> | ||
[0..1] | Building number | <BldgNb> | ||
[0..1] | Building name | <BldgNm> | ||
[0..1] | Floor number | <Flr> | ||
[0..1] | Post box | <PstBx> | ||
[0..1] | Room name | <Room> | ||
[0..1] | Postal code | <PstCd> | ||
[0..1] | Town name | <TwnNm> | ||
[0..1] | Town location name | <TwnLctnNm> | ||
[0..1] | District name | <DstrctNm> | ||
[0..1] | Country sub-division | <CtrySubDvsn> | ||
[0..1] | ISO 2 letter country code | <Ctry> | ||
[0..2] | Address line | <AdrLine> |
Additional data can be added to the payment using SplmtryData element.
Supplementary data block is encapsulated in XSD envelope (field Envlp) which may contain any additional structure of data.
<xs:complexType name="SupplementaryDataEnvelope1">
<xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
LHV uses additional structure defined in supl.001.001.01.xsd.
For proper XML validation the schema reference should be provided in pain.001.001.09 XML message header.
For example:
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.09"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.09 ../../XSD/pain.001.001.09.xsd urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:supl.001.001.01 ../../XSD/supl.001.001.01.xsd">
Supplementary data includes additional data elements defined in 3 fields.
Supllementary data key's:
Key | Value/format | Usage description |
DATE_OF_BIRTH | yyyy-mm-dd (date) | Must be filled for if there is no information about the party's city of birth or country and therefore it is not possible to add complete data under the message element date and place of birth (DateAndPlaceOfBirth). Date must be later than 1900-01-01. |
MCC | nnnn (4 digit number) | MCC code is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides. ISO 18245 is an ISO standard concerning the assignment of Merchant Category Codes (MCC) in retail financial services. Allowed values: List of Merchant Category Codes (https://classification.codes/classifications/industry/mcc/) |
PSP_SCENARIO | string | Fixed value: "COMBINED_PAYMENT" - Two or more payments are combined into a single payment. |
pain.001 supplementary data example:
This format is usable until 31.11.2025.
LHV is using custom version of pain.001.001.03.xsd, which is compliant with and has less restrictions than 1.4 version of the Estonian Banking Association implementation of pain.001.001.03. See more at XML B2C & C2B communication messages. LHV custom XSD is more restrictive that generic ISO 20022 XSD.
Any XML file valid according to LHV custom XSD is also valid to generic pain.001.001.03.
Generic pain.001.001.03 message xml schema file is available at www.iso20022.org.
Multiplicity (MULT.) Informs how many times an element can or must be used, as defined by ISO standard.
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once.
Payment Information – mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to mostly the debit side of the payment.
Credit Transfer Transaction Information – mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to the payment(s) included in the message.
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> |
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | ||
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | ||
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | ||
1.6 | [1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Number of payments in all Payment Information blocks included in this message. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
1.7 | [1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Control sum of all individual amounts for all Payment Information blocks included in this message, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Set of elements used to specify the type of payment. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | +++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | Agreement of rules according to which the payment must be processed. Pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++Prtry | <Prtry> | Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code. Allowed values: INST, SEPA, FAST, ALL - equals as uploaded without interface type. Other values return validation error. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | Party initiating the payment to an agent. In the payment context, this can either be the debtor or a party that initiates the payment on behalf of the debtor or creditor. | |
1.8 | [0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Initiating party name. | |
1.8 | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | ||
1.8 | [0..1] | ++++TownName | <TwnNm> | Initiating party address town. | |
1.8 | [0..1] | ++++Country | <Ctry> | Initiating party address country ISO code. | |
1.8 | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
1.8 | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
1.8 | {{Or | +++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Initiating party BIC code. | |
1.8 | Or}} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
1.8 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | ||
1.8 | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
1.8 | {Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | ||
1.8 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
1.8 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
1.8 | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | ||
1.8 | Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
1.8 | [0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Initiating party country of residence | |
1.9 | [0..1] | ++ForwardingAgent | <FwdgAgt> | Financial institution that receives the instruction from the initiating party and forwards it to the next agent in the payment chain for execution. | |
1.9 | [1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
1.9 | [0..1] | ++++BIC | <BIC> | Forwarding agent BIC code. | |
1.9 | [0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Forwarding agent name. | |
1.9 | [0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | ||
1.9 | [0..1] | +++++TownName | <TwnNm> | Forwarding agent address town. | |
1.9 | [0..1] | +++++Country | <Ctry> | Forwarding agent address country ISO code. |
2.0 | [1..n] | +PaymentInformation | <PmtInf> | ||
2.1 | [1..1] | ++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Uniquely identifies the payment information group within this message. | |
2.2 | [1..1] | ++PaymentMethod | <PmtMtd> | Only the value TRF (credit transfer) is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | |
2.3 | [0..1] | ++BatchBooking | <BtchBookg> | Not used. | |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Number of payment included in the current Payment Information block. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
2.5 | [1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Control sum of all individual amounts in the current Payment Information block, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
2.6 | [0..1] | ++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | ||
2.7 | [0..1] | +++InstructionPriority | <InstrPrty> | ||
2.8 | [0..1] | +++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | ||
2.9 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | ||
2.11 | [0..1] | +++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||
2.12 | {Or | ++++Code | <Cd> | ||
2.13 | Or} | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment priority information. The value here applies to all payments included in the current Payment Information block. See the supported values in Code Set: Payment Priority. | |
2.14 | [0..1] | +++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||
2.15 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose. | |
2.17 | [1..1] | ++Requested Execution Date | <ReqdExctnDt><Dt> | Date on which the debtor’s account is debited. | |
2.19 | [1..1] | ++Debtor | <Dbtr> | Party from whose account the amount of payment is to be debited. If a different party’s information is entered, it will be ignored. | |
2.19 | [1..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Debtor’s name. For Virtual IBAN or indirect agent - the holder name (not the master account owner). Debtor name is mandatory if payment is initiated from indirect agent's existing accounts. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | If payment is initiated with indirect agent's existing accounts, following rule applies: (Town Name and Country) or (Country and Address Line) are required. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | ++++TownName | <TwnNm> | See rule in PostalAddress. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | ++++Country | <Ctry> | Debtor’s country ISO code. For agency banking account - the holder country. See rule in PostalAddress. | |
2.19 | [0..2] | ++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Debtor’s address. For agency banking account - the holder address. See rule in PostalAddress. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | For Virtual IBAN - do not use | |
2.19 | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.19 | {{Or | +++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Debtor’s BIC or BEI code. | |
2.19 | Or}} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.19 | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.19 | {Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Debtor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Debtor’s city of birth. | |
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Debtor’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.19 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Debtor’s identification code. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.20 | [1..1] | ++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | Debtor’s account. Can be client account where payment amount is debited, Virtual IBAN, or Indirect Agency account (both LHV and client generated accounts). | |
2.20 | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.20 | {Or | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Debtor’s IBAN or Virtual IBAN. | |
2.20 | {Or | ++++Other | <Othr> | Debtor's non-IBAN account number (for example, UK account number). | |
2.20 | Or}} | +++++Identification | <Id> | Account number. | |
2.20 | [0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Not required to be filled in. The payment will be made in the currency of the payment amount. If there are not enough funds available on the account, a relevant error message will appear. | |
2.21 | [1..1] | ++ DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | Debtor’s bank information. | |
2.21 | [1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
2.21 | [1..1] | ++++BIC | <BIC> | If the LHV BIC is faulty or missing, it will be replaced with the correct code. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | Used for SEPA payments or Faster Payments Payments Originated Overseas (FPSPOO). Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate debtor information is filled in at the Payment Information level, it will apply to all payments included in this block. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the creditor. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate debtor’s name. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Ultimate debtor's postal address. In case of FPSPOO, either ultimate debtor town name and country, or country and address line is mandatory. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++TownName | <TwnNm> | Ultimate debtor's postal address town. In case of FPSPOO and town name is filled, then country must be filled. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++Country | <Ctry> | Ultimate debtor's address country ISO code. In case of FPSPOO, country is mandatory to fill with either town name or address line. | |
2.23 | [0..2] | ++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Ultimate debtor’s full postal address (street/road, number of house, town up to 140 characters). In case of FPSPOO and address line is filled, country must be filled. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.23 | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.23 | {{Or | +++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate debtor’s BIC or BEI code. BIC is mandatory in case of FPSPOO - must be owned by the institution which provides the account to the Ultimate debtor and must be a non GB BIC. | |
2.23 | Or}} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. Mandatory in case of FPSPOO - referring to Ultimate debtor’s account number and can be in IBAN or in other format. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification | |
2.23 | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.23 | {Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate debtor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s province of birth. | |
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s city of birth. | |
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.23 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate debtor’s identification code. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Ultimate debtor’s country of residence. | |
2.24 | [0..1] | ++ChargesBearer | <ChrgBr> | See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer. | |
2.25 | [0..1] | ++ChargesAccount | <ChrgsAcct> | LHV does not support charge debiting from other than debtor’s account. | |
2.25 | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.25 | [1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | ||
2.25 | [0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | ||
2.27 | [1..n] | ++CreditTransferTransactionInformation | <CdtTrfTxInf> | This block contains a set of elements providing information on the payment(s) included in the message. | |
2.28 | [1..1] | +++PaymentIdentification | <PmtId> | ||
2.29 | [0..1] | ++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the instruction. | |
2.30 | [1..1] | ++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | +++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Set of elements used to specify the type of payment. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | Agreement of rules according to which the payment must be processed. Pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | +++++Prtry | <Prtry> | Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code. Allowed values: INST, SEPA, FAST, ALL - equals as uploaded without interface type. Other values return validation error. | |
2.36 | [0..1] | ++++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||
2.37 | {Or | +++++Code | <Cd> | ||
2.38 | Or} | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment priority information. The value here applies to the payment included in the current Credit Transfer Transaction Information block. See the supported values in Code Set: Payment Priority. | |
2.39 | [0..1] | ++++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||
2.40 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose. | |
2.42 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | ||
2.43 | {Or | ++++InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt> | Payment amount and the currency ordered by the initiating party. All currencies accepted by the bank for payment services are allowed. If there are not enough funds available on the account in a given currency, a relevant error message will appear. | |
2.44 | Or} | ++++EquivalentAmount | <EqvtAmt> | Not used. | |
2.51 | [0..1] | +++ChargeBearer | <ChrgBr> | See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | Used for SEPA payments or Faster Payments Payments Originated Overseas (FPSPOO). Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate debtor information is filled in at the Credit Transfer Transaction Information level, it will apply only to the current payment. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the debtor. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate debtor’s name. Mandatory in case of FPSPOO. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Ultimate debtor's postal address. In case of FPSPOO, either ultimate debtor town name and country, or country and address line is mandatory. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++TwnNm | <TwnNm> | Ultimate debtor's postal address town. In case of FPSPOO and town name is filled, then country must be filled. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++Ctry | <Ctry> | Ultimate debtor's address country ISO code. In case of FPSPOO, country is mandatory to fill with either town name or address line. | |
2.70 | [0..2] | +++++AdrLine | <AdrLine> | Ultimate debtor’s full postal address (street/road, number of house, town up to 140 characters). In case of FPSPOO and address line is filled, country must be filled. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.70 | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.70 | {{Or | ++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate debtor’s BIC or BEI code. BIC is mandatory in case of FPSPOO - must be owned by the institution which provides the account to the Ultimate debtor and must be a non GB BIC. | |
2.70 | Or}} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. Mandatory in case of FPSPOO - referring to Ultimate debtor’s account number and can be in IBAN or in other format. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.70 | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.70 | {Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate debtor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s city of birth. | |
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.70 | Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate debtor’s identification code. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | ++++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Ultimate debtor’s country of residence. | |
2.71 | [0..1] | +++IntermediaryAgent1 | <IntrmyAgt1> | Information about the creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank. Used for foreign payments. | |
2.71 | [1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
2.71 | [0..1] | +++++BIC | <BIC> | Bank’s BIC code. | |
2.71 | [0..1] | +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification | <ClrSysMmbId> | ||
2.71 | [0..1] | ++++++ClearingSystemIdentification | <ClrSysId> | ||
2.71 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | For the clearing system’s identification code see the External Code Sets spreadsheet on the ISO website. | |
2.71 | [1..1] | ++++++MemberIdentification | <MmbId> | Identification of the creditor's bank's correspondent bank in a clearing system. | |
2.71 | [0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank. Used when the BIC or the clearing system’s member identification is not known to the initiating party. | |
2.71 | [0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | ||
2.71 | [0..1] | ++++++Country | <Ctry> | Country ISO code of the creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank. | |
2.71 | [0..2] | ++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Country address of the creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank. | |
2.72 | [0..1] | +++IntermediaryAgent1Account | <IntrmyAgt1Acct> | Not used. | |
2.72 | [1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.72 | {Or | +++++IBAN | <IBAN> | ||
2.72 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.72 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | +++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | Creditor agent’s information is required for SWIFT payments. | |
2.77 | [1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | +++++BIC | <BIC> | Creditor’s bank’s BIC. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification | <ClrSysMmbId> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | ++++++ClearingSystemIdentification | <ClrSysId> | ||
2.77 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | For the clearing system’s identification code see the External Code Sets spreadsheet on the ISO website. Use GBDSC when using UK sort code and domestic account nr separately. | |
2.77 | [1..1] | ++++++MemberIdentification | <MmbId> | Creditor’s bank identification in a clearing system. Use UK sort code when using UK sort code and domestic account nr separately. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor's bank name. Usage rule: The name is limited to 70 characters in length. Used when the BIC or the clearing system’s member identification is not known to the initiating party. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | ++++++Country | <Ctry> | Creditor’s bank’s country ISO code. | |
2.77 | [0..2] | ++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Creditor’s bank’s address. | |
2.78 | [0..1] | +++CreditorAgentAccount | <CdtrAgt> | ||
2.78 | [1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.78 | {Or | +++++IBAN | <IBAN> | ||
2.78 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.78 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | +++Creditor | <Cdtr> | Creditor’s information. | |
2.79 | [1..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor’s name. | |
2.79 | [0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Creditor’s address. | |
2.79 | [0..1] | +++++Country | <Ctry> | ||
2.79 | [0..2] | +++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | ||
2.79 | [0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | |
2.79 | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.79 | {{Or | ++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Creditor’s BIC or BEI code. | |
2.79 | Or}} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | |
2.79 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.79 | 1..1 | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.79 | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.79 | {Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Creditor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Creditor’s city of birth. | |
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Creditor’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.79 | Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | |
2.79 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.80 | [1..1] | +++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | Creditor’s account. | |
2.80 | [1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.80 | {Or | +++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Creditor’s IBAN. Omit for Faster Payments when using UK domestic account nr. | |
2.80 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.80 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s account number. Use for domestic UK account nr - separate from sort code (8 char) or concatenated (14 char) | |
2.80 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.80 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | Use BBAN when using concatenated UK domestic accountr nr (14 characters), omit when using UK account nr and UK sort code separately. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | +++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | SEPA specific information. Ultimate creditor is the ultimate creditor of the payment. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate creditor’s name. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.81 | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.81 | {{Or | ++++++BICOOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate creditor’s BIC or BEI. | |
2.81 | Or}} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s organisation identification. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.81 | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.81 | {Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate creditor’s birth date. Date must be later than 1900-01-01. | |
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s city of birth. | |
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.81 | Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s identification. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.85 | [0..1] | +++InstructionForDebtorAgent> | <InstrForDbtrAgt | Used for referencing return payment for FPS or SEPA (Inst). Format: 'RTRN:00000002:12345678' where RTRN is code for return; 00000002 is Payment Scheme Return Code; 12345678 is Account Servicer Reference of original incoming payment to be returned. | |
2.86 | [0..1] | +++Purpose | <Purp> | SEPA specific information. Reason for the payment. | |
2.87 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported codes in Code Set: Purpose. | |
2.89 | [0..10] | +++RegulatoryReporting | <RgltryRptg> | Information about the declaration of payments. | |
2.89 | [0..1] | ++++Authority | <Authrty> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Country | <Ctry> | ||
2.89 | [0..n] | ++++Details | <Dtls> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Country | <Ctry> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Information | <Inf> | Specification of the balance of payment code 900. | |
2.98 | [0..1] | +++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | Used to enter the payment description (unstructured) and the reference number (structured). It is mandatory to provide one or the other. If both structured and unstructured information is filled in, the creditor reference under the structured information will be lifted to the unstructured information tag in accordance with the EACT standard for unstructured remittance information formatting rules. If the remittance information will, as a result, be longer than 140 characters, the bank will deliver only the first 140 characters of the remittance information. Reference number (structured) must comply with Estonian reference standard or Creditor reference | |
2.99 | [0..1] | ++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Payment description is entered here. | |
2.100 | [0..1] | ++++Structured | <Strd> | ||
2.120 | [0..1] | +++++CreditorReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | ||
2.121 | [0..1] | ++++++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.122 | [1..1] | +++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
2.123 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | Only the value SCOR is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | |
2.125 | [0..1] | +++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
2.126 | [0..1] | ++++++Reference | <Ref> | Payment reference number is entered here. Mandatory for FPS - text value up to 18 symbols long. |
Samples of payments and related messages for typical use cases depending on payment schemes and other details.
Case | Notes and samples |
SEPA Instant payment | SEPA Instant payment from EE LHV account to external EE account. With Structured Reference. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response - ACSP status | |
SEPA payment | SEPA Instant payment from EE LHV account to external EU account. With Payment Scheme Selection. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Internal payment | Internal payment from one LHV account to another. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification - outgoing payment | |
- Debit Credit Notification - incoming payment | |
SWIFT payment (IBAN) | SWIFT payment to foreign account in IBAN format. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
SWIFT payment (local format) | SWIFT payment to foreign account in local non-IBAN format (BBAN - Basic Bank Account Number) |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
- Debit Credit Notification - payment fee | |
Bulk payment | Multiple payments in one file - three payments in one PmtInf block. Different payment schemes. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - group status for all included payments | |
- Payment response 2 - additional updates | |
- Debit Credit Notification - one of the payments | |
- Debit Credit Notification - one of the payments | |
VIBAN payment - SEPA Instant | Payment from Virtual Account (VIBAN) to external account in SEPA scheme. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
- Account Statement request | |
- Account Statement response | |
Manual review | Payment is in manual review - PDNG status due to sanctions screening match. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - PDNG status | |
PSP Payment use cases | Different use cases for Payment Service Provider payments and details of party relationships. |
Use case 1: PSP’s Payment | PSP initiates his own payments from his own account opened with LHV. More details in PDF |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Use case 2: PSP’s Client Payment | PSP1 initiates the payments of the end customer (PSP1’s client). More details in PDF |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Use case 3: Level2 PSP Client Payment | PSP2 initiates the payments of the end customer (PSP2’s clients) via PSP1. In this case there is another Payment Service Provider (PSP2) between the PSP1 and the end customer (PSP2’s client). More details in PDF |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Use case 4: VIBAN Payment | PSP1 initiates the payments of the VIBAN owners (PSP1’s clients). VIBAN must be in an active status to initiate the payment. More details in PDF |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Use case 5: Level2 VIBAN Payment | PSP2 initiates the payments of VIBAN owners (PSP2’s clients) via PSP1. VIBAN must be in an active status to initiate the payment. More details in PDF |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Use case 6: Level2 VIBAN Payment plus Ultimate Debtor | PSP2 initiates the payments of the end customer (PSP2's client) via VIBAN that belongs to the PSP2. More details in PDF |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Use case 7: Indirect Scheme Participant Client Payment | Indirect Scheme Participant (PSP1) initiates the payments of the end customer (PSP1’s client). More details in PDF |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Use case 8: Level2 Indirect Scheme Participant Client Payment | Indirect Scheme Member (PSP1) mediates the payments of the end customers (PSP2’s clients). More details in PDF |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response 1 - ACSP status | |
- Payment response 2 - ACSC status | |
- Debit Credit Notification | |
Use case 9: Payment Collection via Direct Debit by PSP | PSP initiates Direct Debit to collect payments to its own account opened with LHV. More details in PDF |
Use case 10: Payment Collection via Direct Debit on behalf of PSP's client | PSP initiates Direct Debit to collect payments on behalf of its clients to the account opened with PSP. More details in PDF |
Use case 11: Indirect Scheme Participant Payment Collection via Direct Debit | Indirect Scheme Member (PSP1) initiates the Direct Debit to collect payments on behalf of the end customer (PSP1’s client). More details in PDF |
Use case 12: Level 2 Indirect Scheme Participant Payment Collection via Direct Debit | Indirect Scheme Member (PSP1) mediates the Direct Debit to collect payments on behalf of the end customer (PSP2’s client). More details in PDF |
The ISO 20022 Customer Payment Status Report (pain.002) message is sent to the client to inform about the status of a payment instruction sent via LHV Connect with Payment Initiation (pain.001) message.
Header Message-Response-Type: PAYMENT
Customer Payment Status Report refers to the original Payment Initiation message and provides positive, negative and pending status updates to original payments.
There can be many Customer Payment Status Reports per one Payment Initiation message - typically if any of the transactions was not accepted right away for any reason.
Statuses are reported on group level for the whole payment instruction (GrpSts and PmtInfSts tags) and separately for each payment (TxSts tag).
Group level statuses are reported only in the first payment response message after the initial request.
Further responses (if any) shall not contain GrpSts and PmtInfSts tags - you must process the result of every payment entry separately.
Group level statuses (OrgnlGrpInfAndSts.GrpSts and OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.PmtInfSts):
Single payment statuses (OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.TxInfAndSts.TxSts):
When payment receives PDNG status after ACSP status (payment is accepted by the customer or does not need SCA depening on the contract) it means that the payment needs human intervention and manual review.
Depending on the case it can be a sanctions screening match, funds may be suspended or some other trigger that caused this. Direct communication with the customer might follow. When possible more details will be provided in the payment message narrative.
<AddtlInf>In manual review</AddtlInf>
When the manual intervention case is resolved the payment will continue normal flow and get ACSC or RJCT status depending on the decision and conditions.
By default, all payments will be rejected right away when there is not enough free balance or payments limits to execute the payment. Only on special agreement with the customer system will continue to try executing such payments:
Response message version depends on the message used to initialize the original payment.
Pain.002 schema file: pain.002.001.10.xsd.
Note: Old pain.002.001.03 and upcoming version pain.002.001.10 are very similar. Differences are mentioned in "LHV Requirement" column.
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once. Set of characteristics shared by all individual payments included in the status report message.
Original Group Information And Status – occurs once. Refers to original Payment Initiation Group Level information.
Transaction Information And Status – optional and repetitive. Includes information about the original payment and its status.
[1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | |
[1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message id created by LHV. |
[1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Creation date and time. |
[0..1] | ++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | |
[0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | |
[0..1] | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | |
[0..1] | +++++AnyBIC | <AnyBIC> | LHV’s BIC. Note: In old version of pain.002.001.03 this field is named BIC |
[1..1] | +OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus | <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> | |
[1..1] | ++OriginalMessageIdentification | <OrgnlMsgId> | Original pain.001.001.09 Group Level Message Id. |
[1..1] | ++OriginalMessageNameIdentification | <OrgnlMsgNmId> | Value ‘pain.001.001.09’. |
[0..1] | ++GroupStatus | <GrpSts> | Specifies the Group status of all payments in the original pain.001 message. Status codes explained above. |
[0..n] | ++StatusReasonInformation | <StsRsnInf> | |
[0..1] | +++Reason | <Rsn> | |
[1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | If Group Status is RJCT, then filled with ‘NARR’. In this case, Additional Information is also filled. |
[0..n] | +++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | If Reason Code is filled with ‘NARR’, error description is present here. See Group Level Errors. |
[0..n] | +OriginalPaymentInformationAndStatus | <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> | |
[1..1] | ++OriginalPaymentInformationId | <OrgnlPmtInfId> | Original pain.001.001.09 Payment Information Id. |
[0..1] | ++PaymentInformationStatus | <PmtInfSts> | Specifies the Group status of one PmtInf block in the original pain.001 message. Status codes explained Status codes explained above. |
[0..n] | ++TransactionInformationAndStatus | <TxInfAndSts> | |
[0..1] | +++OriginalInstructionIdentification | <OrgnlInstrId> | Original payment order number. |
[0..1] | +++OriginalEndToEndId | <OrgnlEndToEndId> | Not used. |
[0..1] | +++TransactionStatus | <TxSts> | Payment status. Status codes explained above. |
[0..n] | +++StatusReasonInformation | <StsRsnInf> | |
[0..1] | +++OriginalTransactionReference | <OrgnlTxRef> | Payment scheme information |
[1..1] | ++++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | |
[1..1] | +++++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | |
[1..1] | ++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment scheme code - Code Set: Payment scheme. |
[0..1] | ++++Reason | <Rsn> | |
[1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | If Transaction Status is ACWC or RJCT, then ‘NARR’. |
[0..n] | ++++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | If Reason Code is ‘NARR’, then description or scheme reject code is given here. For Transaction Status ‘ACWC’, see Reason for Change; for Transaction Status ‘RJCT’, see Transaction Level Errors. For payment scheme error codes see Code Set: Payment Scheme Reject Codes. |
[0..1] | +++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique payment ID assigned by the bank. |
[0..1] | +++OriginalTransactionReference | <OrgnlTxRef> | |
[0..1] | ++++Amount | <Amt> | |
[1..1] | +++++InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt Ccy="AAA"> | |
[0..1] | ++++RequestedExecutionDate | <ReqdExctnDt> | Execution date requested by client. |
[0..1] | ++++Debtor | <Dbtr> | |
[0..1] | +++++Pty | <Pty> | Note: In old version of pain.002.001.03 this element does not exist |
[0..1] | ++++++Name | <Nm> | Debtor’s name. |
[0..1] | ++++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | |
[1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | |
{Or | ++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Debtor’s IBAN or Virtual IBAN. |
{Or | ++++++Other | <Othr> | Debtor's non-IBAN account number (for example, UK account number). |
Or}} | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Account number. |
[0..1] | ++++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | |
[1..1] | +++++FinancialInstitutionId | <FinInstnId> | |
[1..1] | ++++++BICFI | <BICFI> | LHV’s BIC. Note: In old version of pain.002.001.03 this field is named BIC |
[0..1] | ++++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | |
[1..1] | +++++FinancialInstitutionId | <FinInstnId> | |
[1..1] | ++++++BICFI | <BICFI> | Creditor’s bank BIC. Note: In old version of pain.002.001.03 this field is named BIC |
[0..1] | ++++Creditor | <Cdtr> | |
[0..1] | +++++Pty | <Pty> | Note: In old version of pain.002.001.03 this element does not exist |
[1..1] | ++++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor’s name. |
[0..1] | ++++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | |
[1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | |
[0..1] | ++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Creditor’s IBAN. UK Faster Payments - used when also payment request contained IBAN. |
[0..1] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | |
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s account number which is not IBAN. UK Faster Payments - used when also payment request contained sort code + domestic account nr. |
RJCT | Duplicate message. | Message with this id already exists. |
RJCT | Duplicate message | Duplicate payment information block in file. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty number of payments in file header. | Invalid Number Of Transactions in Header Level. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty control sum in file header. | Invalid Control Sum in Header Level. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty number of payments in Payment Information block | Invalid Number Of Transactions in referenced Payment Information block. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty control sum in Payment Information block | Invalid Control Sum in referenced Payment Information block. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty sender account [IBAN]. | At least one IBAN or Virtual IBAN does not exist. First bad number encountered is added to error message. |
RJCT | Corrupted payment file: [validation error description] | XML file doesn’t pass XSD validation. Reference to invalid value is given if possible. |
RJCT | No rights to debtor’s account. | |
RJCT | Provided payment party identification is invalid. |
RJCT | Duplicate payment. | |
RJCT | Account temporarily closed. | |
RJCT | Account closed. | |
RJCT | Creditor account is closed. | |
RJCT | Reason not given. | |
RJCT | Technical problem. Try again | |
RJCT | Invalid creditor address or name. | |
RJCT | Incorrect account number. | |
RJCT | Account number is not correct. | |
RJCT | Invalid account number or sort code. | |
RJCT | Creditor address is missing/not correct. | |
RJCT | Invalid creditor name. | |
RJCT | Missing or invalid reference. | |
RJCT | Problem with amount. Contact bank | |
RJCT | Instant payment forbidden, try European payment. | |
RJCT | Payment declined, try European payment. | |
RJCT | Payment declined. | |
RJCT | Payment declined. Regulatory reasons. Try European payment | |
RJCT | Reference number is invalid or returned for no reason, try European payment. | |
RJCT | Reference number invalid. | |
RJCT | Cross-border payments from this account are prohibited. | |
RJCT | Invalid creditor’s name. | |
RJCT | Creditor's Correspondent BIC not valid. | |
RJCT | Invalid client account number / account not found. | |
RJCT | Payments from one Trader account to another are not allowed. | |
RJCT | Trader account. Not allowed currency. | |
RJCT | Description or reference number must be entered. | |
RJCT | Debtor's organisation identification code is faulty. | |
RJCT | Creditor's Bank BIC not valid. | |
RJCT | Creditor's organisation identification code is faulty. | |
RJCT | Creditor's account number not valid. | |
RJCT | Creditor's private person identification code is faulty. | |
RJCT | Insufficient daily limit available. | |
RJCT | Invalid currency. | |
RJCT | Payment to the same account. | |
RJCT | Payment to receiver account not allowed. | |
RJCT | Ultimate debtor's organisation identification code is faulty. | |
RJCT | Ultimate debtor's private person identification code is faulty. | |
RJCT | Insufficient monthly limit available. | |
RJCT | Correspondent Bank BIC not valid. | |
RJCT | Account and BIC country codes not matching. | |
RJCT | Account and BIC country codes not matching. Check the account number of the recipient and the BIC number of the recipient bank. | |
RJCT | Debtor's private person identification code is faulty. | |
RJCT | Insufficient funds available. | |
RJCT | Signature weight is less than 100%. | |
RJCT | Creditor account number is incorrect. IBAN is mandatory. | |
RJCT | Invalid payment order no. | |
RJCT | Other reason. | |
RJCT | Payment description is too long. Please use maximum | |
RJCT | Please use Latin characters only. | |
RJCT | This BIC does not conform to the format. Enter the name and address of the creditor’s bank. Insert the creditor’s bank code (such as ABA or Fedwire) before the name of the creditor’s bank. | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty sender account. | |
RJCT | Technical problem. Try again | |
RJCT | Requested by customer. | |
RJCT | Payment declined. Regulatory reasons | |
RJCT | Incorrect creditor´s bank data. | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Unparsable value in Instruction for Debtor Agent [InstrForDbtrAgt] | |
RJCT | RUB payment codes missing (INN, VO, KPP) | |
RJCT | Debtor's account not active. | Virtual IBAN exists, but is not active |
RJCT | Invalid debtor's name. | Virtual IBAN holder name does not match with payment order (PmtInf.Dbtr.Nm) or debtor name missing if payment is from indirect agent's existing account. |
RJCT | Invalid return code. | Invalid payment scheme return code is used |
RJCT | Original payment not received. | Payment to be returned does not exist |
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.10">
<InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">2.50</InstdAmt>
<Nm>LHV Connect Demo 1</Nm>
<Nm>LHV Connect Demo 2</Nm>
<AddtlInf>Vigane saaja nimi.</AddtlInf>
<InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">5.00</InstdAmt>
LHV Connect Demo 1
<Nm>Incorrect Customer</Nm>
Services for different payment collection schemes and options.
SEPA Direct Debit enables creditor to collect money in euros from debtors within SEPA countries. LHV Pank is a participant in the SEPA Direct Debit CORE system. The SEPA CORE direct debit scheme is intended to collect funds from debtors that may be businesses or private persons.
List of participants and reachable banks in SEPA Direct Debit CORE scheme: EBA Clearing STEP2 SDD Core Participants.
LHV offers 2 services: receiving collections and sending out collections (incl indirect Scheme Access)
Creditor - An originator who initiates SEPA Direct Debit transactions for collection of funds from debtors (payers). In LHV the creditor can be only business.
Debtor - The legal person or business who pays the direct debit and has signed the SEPA Direct Debit mandate.
Target2 Working Day - The system is closed on the following days:
Due Date - Due date of the collection is the day when the payment of the debtor is due to the creditor.
Settlement Date - The general rule is that the key dates: Due date and settlement date are the same dates, but if the due date falls on a day that is not a Target2 day, then the settlement date will be the next Target2 Day.
Account Service Provider - Debtor's bank
Mandate - In order to receive a collection, the mandate agreement must be signed with creditor. The debtor is to give the signed written mandate directly to the creditor. The creditor is liable for safekeeping the mandate. The debtor agrees with the creditor on changes in the mandate and on its cancellation. The debtor bank does not have in its possession the mandates or their details given by the debtor to the creditor. This means that when the bank executes a direct debit payment order submitted by the creditor it does not check that the mandate given by the debtor corresponds to the direct debit payment order given by the creditor.
Pre-Notification - By Direct Debit rules, the debtor should receive at least 14 days before the due date a pre-notification. The pre-notification may for example be an invoice, if not otherwise agreed between debtor and creditor. In the case of recurring collections, the pre-notification may be sent only once when it includes the amounts and due dates.
Should the debtor have objections concerning a debit referred to in the pre-notification, the debtor must contact the creditor.
Mandate Reference - Unique Mandate Reference (UMR)
Businesses or private persons, also referred as debtor can receive collections.
To receive a collection the mandate agreement must be signed with creditor. To receive collection there is no agreement on bank side. Collections can be received on any current account opened for client.
If debtor wishes not to receive collections on a specific current account the account service provider must be contacted.
If debtor wishes to amend or terminate the mandate, debtor must always contact the creditor.
Direct Debit collection is received only on Target2 working days. Collections can be sent to debtor at the earliest 14 calendar days before due date and latest at 1 Target2 working day before due date.
Collections are sent to debtor's bank 7 times per Target2 working day, after controls are made the collection info is sent/made available to the debtor. See cut-offs.
Received collections are seen in LHV's internet bank, mobile app as pending outgoing payments. Connect's clients receive information by XML file (see messages). Please contact your account manager to enable the functionality.
The outgoing payment processing starts on the settlement date. Bank tries to make the payment several times but if there is not enough money or limit the payment is cancelled. No partial payments are made. See cut-offs.
Outgoing payment settlement happens at 11:30 CET, if it is done transaction entry will be seen on the account statement. If debtor is Connect user also debit/credit notification is sent.
Debtor may cancel payment, reject collection or request for refund.
Reject collection
If the debtor wants the rejection to be permanent then an account service provider must be contacted. Otherwise, see Refusal.
Debtor can cancel the payment until the settlement date. No settlement entries will follow. See cut-offs.
If debtor bank handles Refusal after Settlement, Refusal is processed as a Return. Settlement entries will take place.
If refusal is sent by debtor after settlement, see Request for refund.
Request for Refund
If the payment is settled debtor can't cancel the payment, but request for refund. Debtor may claim a refund at any time up to 13 months after the settlement date.
If settlement took place less than 8 weeks ago. If the request is sent before 10.30 CET on Target2 day the payment is refunded at the same day. Otherwise on next Target2 day.
If 8 weeks after the settlement date is passed Debtor still may claim the refund. Debtor must provide such evidence to prove that the SEPA direct debit payment in question was unauthorised. Debtor´s bank will contact Creditor´s bank and decides whether the request will be sent or not. The whole process may take 30 calendar days.
In LHV, business customers can send out the Direct Debit collection notices. Collections are sent to bank via Connect.
In case of indirect Scheme access additional requirements must be followed. Details can provide your account manager.
Creditor Identifier code
Creditor Identifier is a unique identifier of a creditor. Each Direct Debit creditor is given just one Creditor Identifier. The Direct Debit creditor can, however, use the Creditor Business Code to flag specific units in his business where credit positions are collected via direct debit.
LHV generates CI code for Estonian companies and companies registered in UK. If the company is registred in other country you should contact the Bank/authority. Details can provide your account manager.
In case of Indirect Scheme access: LHV will not generate any codes. The process is managaed by service provider who has signed the Indirect Sheme Access Service agreement.
To send out collection the mandate agreement must be signed with debtor. The debtor is to give the signed written mandate directly to the creditor. The creditor is liable for safekeeping the mandate. The debtor agrees with the creditor on changes in the mandate and on its cancellation.
The creditor or the debtor can amend the mandate at any time. If mandate is amended the information must be sent also to bank with new collection. When an amendment is made to any one of the four key mandate fields below, a flag must be raised to mark the mandate field as amended on the direct debit file. The flag is raised by setting the 'Amendment Indicator' tag to TRUE. Changes to the following fields represent an amended mandate:
The cancellation of the Mandate is carried out by the creditor and the debtor without the involvement of either of their banks.
If a creditor does not present a collection on a mandate for 36 months, this mandate is considered cancelled and no longer valid. No further collections can be initiated on this cancelled mandate. In these cases, or where a debtor has cancelled their mandate and wishes to provide further debit authority to the creditor, a new mandate must be completed and UMR applied.
Mandate Reference
Unique Mandate Reference (UMR) is a free text field of up to 35 characters which must be the same for the first direct debit payment and each subsequent direct debit payment.
If the UMR cannot be provided on the mandate form before the customer signs the mandate, then the UMR must be provided separately to the customer before the first collection.
Debit types
There are four types of direct debit messages with different processing rules for each type.
The First, Recurrent, and Final Debit follow the lifecycle of a series of direct debit messages, and they will therefore have the same mandate eference.
If collection has been handled exceptionally after settlement creditor may re-send the collection but must change the type of Collection.
Type in original Collection | Type in resend Collection |
First | Reccurring |
Recurring | Reccurring |
Final | Cannot resend |
One-off | Cannot resend |
Creditor must send a pre-notification to the debtor before sending the collection to the creditor bank. A pre-notification may for example be an invoice, which must be sent to the debtor at least 14 calendar days before the due date, if not otherwise agreed between the debtor and the creditor. In case of recurring collections, the pre-notification may be sent only once when it includes the amounts and due dates.
Pre-notification should include:
The Pre-notification could also include:
Before creditor sends collection to debtor creditor must have:
Direct Debit collection is sent to debtor only on Target2 working day. Creditor can send collection to LHV on any calendar day but due date and cut-off rules must be followed.
Collections can be sent to debtor at the earliest 14 calendar days before due date and latest at 1 Target2 working day before due date.
Due date (collection) | Cut-off (then collection has to be sent to Bank) | Settlement |
25.12 or 26.12 | 24.12 or earlier (must be a banking day) | The first banking day after 26.12 |
01.01 | 31.12 or 30.12 (must be a banking day) | 02.01 |
Saturday | Friday | Monday |
Sunday | Friday | Monday |
Monday | Friday | Monday |
Good Friday, weekend after Good Friday and Easter Monday | Thursday before Good Friday | Tuesday after Good Friday |
Friday | Thursday | Friday |
LHV sends collection to scheme 7 times per Target2 day. See cut-offs.
If a creditor does not present a collection on a mandate for 36 months, this mandate is considered cancelled and no longer valid.
Cancel collection
Request of cancellation can be sent until due date. See cut-offs.
If creditor bank handles after Settlement, it is processed as a Reversal. Settlement entries will take place.
Reversal collection
If the creditor wants to return collection payment after settlement we recommend to use credit payment functionality.
If the creditor wants to return the payment as Direct Debit payment the bank must be contacted (manual process).
Request of refund
Debtor may claim a refund at any time up to 13 months after the settlement date.
If settlement took place less than 8 weeks ago. There is no appeal process and refund.
If 8 weeks after the settlement date is passed debtor still may claim the refund. Debtor bank collects evidence and decides whether process or not the refund. If refund request is sent out there is no appeal process.
Collections can be sent to debtor at the earliest 14 calendar days before due date. |
Collections must sent to debtor at latest at 1 Target2 working day before due date. |
Creditor must send collection to bank at latest at 1 Target2 working day before due date and cut-off 15:30 CET. |
Creditors collections are sent to scheme on Target2 working day at 07:00, 09:00, 10:30, 21:00 CET. |
Debtor bank receives collection info 7 times per Target2 working day: 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 16:05, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 CET. |
Payments (outgoing, incoming) settlement on due date - 11:30 CET. |
Debtor can cancel (refuse) the payment on due date until 10:30 CET If Debtor bank will not manage to send the refusal on time. The refusal will be processed as return. On next Target2 working day settlement entries take place. |
In case creditor needs to cancel a transaction either as Request for Cancellation before due date or Reversal after due date. If it is done before 10:30 CET on due date no settlement entries will follow. |
XML format | Message description |
pain.008.001.08 | Direct Debit initiation (outgoing collection) Direct Debit notification (incoming collection) |
pain.002.001.10 | Response to Direct Debit initiation, collection reversal (outgoing collection) Response to Direct Debit collection refusal (incoming collection) |
pain.007.001.09 | Direct Debit collection reversal, cancellation (outgoing collection) Direct Debit collection refusal (incoming collection) |
POST [base-url]/direct-debit/collection
Request message format is Customer Direct Debit Collection Initiation (XML type pain.008.001.08) that covers SEPA Direct Debit scheme.
One collection initiation message may contain up to 1500 single collections.
If Direct Debit collection is cancelled (by Creditor), then the cancellation process has to be started and Direct Debit exeption request (pain.007) sent.
If Direct Debit collection is reversed (by Creditor), then the reversal process has to be started and Direct Debit exeption request (pain.007) sent.
The Payment Status Report (pain.002.001.10) is returned to provide information about the status of imported collections. A single collection may have multiple statuses.
If a Direct Debit collection is cancelled by the Creditor, the exception process must be followed. Refer to Sending Out Collections: Processing Exceptions for details.
If a Direct Debit collection is rejected by the Debtor, the Creditor will be informed via a Payment Status Report (pain.002.001.10). Rejections occur before the collection value date.
If a refund request is made by the Debtor for a Direct Debit collection, the Creditor will be informed through the Debit/Credit Notification. For more information, visit: https://partners.lhv.ee/en/connect/#debit-credit-notification.
Example for how this information is represented in Debit Credit Notification, where the 'TxId241129200741' is the reference for the transaction sent by pain.008 (at DrctDbtTxInf.PmtId.TxId) and 'MS02' is the respective error code:
LHV is currently using custom version of pain.008.001.08.xsd and has less restrictions than EPC implementation of pain.008.001.08.
Note: Old pain.008.001.02 and upcoming versions of pain.008.001.08 are very similar. Differences are mentioned in "LHV Requirement" column.
This message is used for both outgoing collection request and incoming collection notification.
Message structure
[1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | Mandatory, occurs once. |
[1..n] | +PaymentInformation | <PmtInf> | Mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to creditor. |
[1..n] | ++DirectDebitTransactionInformation | <DrctDbtTxInf> | Mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to the direct debit(s) included in the message. |
Message root
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <CstmrDrctDbtInitn> | Mandatory, occurs once. |
Group header
[1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | Mandatory, occurs once. | |
[1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | ||
[1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | ||
[1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Number of direct debit transactions in all Payment Information blocks included in this message. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
[1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | ||
[1..1] | ++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | Party that submits the Direct Debit Initiation Request to LHV. | |
[0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | ||
[0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | ||
[0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Field not available in pain.008.001.02 | |
[0..n] | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | ||
Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
{Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | ||
[0..2] | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | |
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | ||
Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> |
Payment information
[1..n] | +PaymentInformation | <PmtInf> | Mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to creditor. | |
[1..1] | ++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Uniquely identifies the payment information group within this message. | |
[1..1] | ++PaymentMethod | <PmtMtd> | Only the value "DD" (Direct Debit) is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | |
[0..1] | ++BatchBooking | <BtchBookg> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Number of Direct Debit transactions included in the current Payment Information block. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
[1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Control sum of all individual amounts in the current Payment Information block, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
[0..1] | ++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Set of elements used to specify the type of transaction. 'Payment Type Information' must be present either here or under 'Direct Debit Transaction Information'. | |
[1..1] | +++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | ||
{Or | ++++Code | <Cd> | Not used. | |
Or} | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | See the supported values in Code set: Direct Debit scheme | |
[0..1] | +++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||
{Or | ++++Code | <Cd> | SEPA Direct Debit: only value "CORE" is allowed. | |
+++SequenceType | <SeqTp> | SEPA Direct Debit: If 'Amendment Indicator' is 'true', and ‘Original Debtor Account’ is set to 'SMNDA' (Same Mandate with a New Debtor Account), this message element indicates either 'FRST' (First), 'RCUR' (Recurring), 'FNAL' (Final) or 'OOFF' (One-off) | ||
[0..1] | +++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||
{Or | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose . | |
Or} | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | ++RequestedCollectionDate | <ReqdColltnDt> | Date and time at which the creditor requests that the amount of money is to be collected from the debtor. | |
[1..1] | ++Creditor | <Cdtr> | Party whose account the amount of Direct Debit transaction is to be credited to. | |
[1..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Creditor’s name. For indirect agent - the holder name (not the master account owner). Creditor name is mandatory if payment is initiated from indirect agent's existing accounts. | |
[0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See address structure and details here. If direct debit collection is initiated with indirect agent's existing accounts, country and Address Line are required. | |
[1..1] | ++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | Creditor's account. Can be client account where to Direct Debit transaction amount is credited or Indirect Agency account (client generated accounts). | |
[1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Creditor's IBAN. | |
Or} | ++++Other | <Othr> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | Not used. | |
[0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Not required to be filled in. The Direct Debit transaction will be processed in the currency of the transaction amount. | |
[1..1] | ++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | Creditor’s bank information. | |
[1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++BICFI | If the LHV BIC is faulty or missing, it will be replaced with the correct code. Note: In old version of pain.008.001.02 this field is named BIC | ||
[0..1] | ++++Other | <Othr> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | Not used. | |
[0..1] | ++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | SEPA specific information. Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due. This data element may be present either at 'Payment Information' or at 'Direct Debit Transaction Information' level. | |
[0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate creditor’s name. | |
[0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | Ultimate creditor’s BIC. BIC or Othr is required. | |
[0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Ultimate creditor’s LEI code Note: Field not available in old version of pain.008.001.02 | |
[0..1] | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s organisation identification. | |
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{{Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification . | |
Or}} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
{Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate creditor’s birth date. | |
[0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s city of birth. | |
[1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s birth country ISO code. | |
[1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | ||
Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s identification. | |
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
[0..1] | ++ChargeBearer | <ChrgBr> | SEPA Direct Debit: only value "SLEV" is allowed. See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer . | |
[0..1] | ++CreditorSchemeIdentification | <CdtrSchmeId> | It is recommended that all transactions within the same ‘Payment Information’ block have the same ‘Creditor Scheme Identification’. This data element must be present at either ‘Payment Information’ or ‘Direct Debit Transaction’ level. | |
[1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
[1..1] | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor Identifier. | |
[0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | Not used. | |
Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | SEPA Direct Debit: only value "SEPA" is allowed. | |
[0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
[1..n] | ++DirectDebitTransactionInformation | <DrctDbtTxInf> | This block contains a set of elements used to provide information on the individual transaction(s) included in the message. | |
[1..1] | +++PaymentIdentification | <PmtId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify the instruction. | |
[1..1] | ++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. | |
[0..1] | +++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Set of elements used to specify the type of transaction. 'Payment Type Information' must be present either here or directly under 'Payment Information'. | |
[1..1] | ++++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | ||
{Or | +++++Code | <Cd> | Not used. | |
Or} | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | See the supported values in Code set: Direct Debit scheme) | |
[0..1] | ++++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||
{Or | +++++Code | <Cd> | SEPA Direct Debit: only value "CORE" is allowed. | |
++++SequenceType | <SeqTp> | SEPA Direct Debit: If 'Amendment Indicator' is 'true', and ‘Original Debtor Account’ is set to 'SMNDA' (Same Mandate with a New Debtor Account), this message element indicates either 'FRST' (First), 'RCUR' (Recurring), 'FNAL' (Final) or 'OOFF' (One-off). | ||
[0..1] | ++++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||
{Or | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose . | |
Or} | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | +++InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt> | Payment amount and the currency ordered by the initiating party. | |
[0..1] | +++ChargeBearer | <ChrgBr> | SEPA Direct Debit: only value "SLEV" is allowed. See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer . | |
[1..1] | +++DirectDebitTransaction | <DrctDbtTx> | Set of elements providing information specific to the direct debit mandate. | |
[1..1] | ++++MandateRelatedInformation | <MndtRltdInf> | Set of elements used to provide further details of the direct debit mandate signed between the creditor and the debtor. | |
[1..1] | +++++MandateIdentification | <MndtId> | Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the mandate. | |
[1..1] | +++++DateOfSignature | <DtOfSgntr> | Date on which the direct debit mandate has been signed by the debtor. | |
[0..1] | +++++AmendmentIndicator | <AmdmntInd> | Indicator notifying whether the underlying mandate is amended or not. | |
[0..1] | +++++AmendmentInformationDetails | <AmdmntInfDtls> | List of mandate elements that have been modified. Mandatory if 'Amendment Indicator' is 'true'. | |
[0..1] | ++++++OriginalMandateIdentification | <OrgnlMndtId> | Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the original mandate. Mandatory if changes occur in 'Mandate Identification', otherwise not to be used. | |
[0..1] | ++++++OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification | <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId> | Original creditor scheme identification that has been modified. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor Identifier. | |
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{Or | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | Not used. | |
Or} | +++++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++OriginalDebtorAccount | <OrgnlDbtrAcct> | Original debtor account that has been modified. | |
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Original debtor IBAN that has been modified. | |
Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Not used. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Currency | <Ccy> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++OriginalDebtorAgent | <OrgnlDbtrAgt> | Original debtor agent that has been modified. | |
[1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++BICFI | Original debtor agent BIC that has been modified. Note: In old version of pain.008.001.02 this field is named BIC | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Other | <Othr> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | ++++++++Identification | <Id> | Not used. | |
[0..1] | +++++ElectronicSignature | <ElctrncSgntr> | Not used. | |
[0..1] | ++++CreditorSchemeIdentification | <CdtrSchmeId> | It is recommended that all transactions within the same 'Payment Information' block have the same 'Creditor Scheme Identification'. This data element must be present at either 'Payment Information' or 'Direct Debit Transaction' level. | |
[1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor Identifier. | |
[0..1] | ++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{Or | +++++++++Code | <Cd> | Not used. | |
Or} | +++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | SEPA Direct Debit: only value "SEPA" is allowed. | |
[0..1] | ++++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
[0..1] | ++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | SEPA specific information. Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due. This data element may be present either at 'Payment Information' or at 'Direct Debit Transaction Information' level. | |
[0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate creditor’s name. | |
[0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | See sub-elements at 2.54. | |
Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | See sub-elements at 2.55. | |
[1..1] | +++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor. | |
[1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++BICFI | <BICFI> | Debtor agent BIC. Note: In old version of pain.008.001.02 this field is named BIC | |
[0..1] | +++++Other | <Othr> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | +++Debtor | <Dbtr> | Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. | |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Debtor name. | |
[0..1] | ++++Postal Address | <PstlAdr> | See address structure and details here. | |
[0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | Debtor's BIC Note: In old version of pain.008.001.02 this field is named BICorBei | |
[0..1] | ++++++LEI | <LEI> | Debtor's LEI Note: Field not available in old version of pain.008.001.02 | |
[0..n] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Debtor's organisation identification. | |
[0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{{Or | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification . | |
Or}} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
{Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Debtor's birth date. | |
[0..1] | +++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Debtor's city of birth. | |
[1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Debtor's birth country ISO code. | |
[1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | ||
Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Debtor's identification. | |
[0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
{Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
[1..1] | +++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the transaction. | |
[1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | +++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Debtor's IBAN. | |
Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Not used. | |
[0..1] | ++++Currency | <Ccy> | Not required to be filled in. The Direct Debit transaction will be processed in the currency of the transaction amount. | |
[0..1] | +++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. | |
[0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate debtor's name. | |
[0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
{Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | See sub-elements at 2.153. | |
Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | See sub-elements at 2.154. | |
[0..1] | +++Purpose | <Purp> | Underlying reason for the payment transaction. | |
[1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Purpose . | |
[0..1] | +++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system. Either 'Structured' or 'Unstructured', may be present. | |
[0..1] | ++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Collection description. | |
[0..1] | ++++Structured | <Strd> | ||
[0..1] | +++++CreditorReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Type | <Tp> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | SEPA Direct Debit: only value "SCOR" is allowed. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Reference | <Ref> | Collection reference number. Unique reference, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously refer to the payment transaction. | |
[0..n] | +++Supplementary Data | <SplmtryData> | See details in supplementary data section. | |
[0..1] | ++++Place and Name | <PlcAndNm> | Field ignored | |
[1..1] | ++++Data Envelope | <Envlp> | ||
[1..1] | +++++Document | <Document> | ||
[0..n] | ++++++Party Data | <PartyData> | Additional data block | |
[1..1] | +++++++Party Code | <Party> | Defines which party this data is related to. Possible values: DEBTOR, CREDITOR, ULTIMATE_DEBTOR, ULTIMATE_CREDITOR | |
[1..1] | +++++++Data Key | <Key> | Additional data element being sent. Possible values: DATE_OF_BIRTH, MCC, PSP_SCENARIO | |
[1..1] | +++++++Data Value | <Value> | Additional data element value |
Common address structure is used throughout the payment collection message.
Note: pain.008.001.02 does not support all of the following fields. See XSD for details.
[0..1] | Department | <Dept> | ||
[0..1] | Sub-department name | <SubDebt> | ||
[0..1] | Street name | <StrtNm> | ||
[0..1] | Building number | <BldgNb> | ||
[0..1] | Building name | <BldgNm> | ||
[0..1] | Floor number | <Flr> | ||
[0..1] | Post box | <PstBx> | ||
[0..1] | Room name | <Room> | ||
[0..1] | Postal code | <PstCd> | ||
[0..1] | Town name | <TwnNm> | ||
[0..1] | Town location name | <TwnLctnNm> | ||
[0..1] | District name | <DstrctNm> | ||
[0..1] | Country sub-division | <CtrySubDvsn> | ||
[0..1] | ISO 2 letter country code | <Ctry> | ||
[0..2] | Address line | <AdrLine> |
Additional data can be added to the payment using SplmtryData element.
Supplementary data block is encapsulated in XSD envelope (field Envlp) which may contain any additional structure of data.
<xs:complexType name="SupplementaryDataEnvelope1">
<xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
LHV uses additional structure defined in supl.001.001.01.xsd.
For proper XML validation the schema reference should be provided in pain.008.001.08 XML message header.
For example:
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.08"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.08 ../../XSD/pain.008.001.08.xsd urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:supl.001.001.01 ../../XSD/supl.001.001.01.xsd">
Supplementary data includes additional data elements defined in 3 fields. The number of additional data elements is not limited.
pain.001 supplementary data example:
The ISO 20022 Customer Payment Status Report (pain.002.001.10) message is sent to the client to inform about the status of a Direct Debit collection sent via LHV Connect with Direct Debit instruction (pain.008.001.08) message.
Customer Payment Status Report refers to the original Direct Debit Initiation message and provides positive, negative and pending status updates to original collections.
There can be many Customer Payment Status Reports per one Direct Debit Initiation message - typically if any of the transactions was not accepted right away for any reason.
Statuses are reported on group level for the whole collection instruction (GrpSts and PmtInfSts tags) and separately for each collection (TxSts tag).
Group level statuses are reported only in the first Direct Debit initiation response message after the initial request.
Further responses (if any) shall not contain GrpSts and PmtInfSts tags - you must process the result of every collection entry separately.
Group level statuses (OrgnlGrpInfAndSts.GrpSts and OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.PmtInfSts):
RJCT | All Direct Debit collections in original pain.008.001.08 'Payment Information' block have been rejected. |
PART | If some of the Direct Debit collections in original pain.008.001.08 'Payment Information' block have reached one of the accepted statuses (ACCP, ACSC, ACSP), but some also rejected, then status is partially accepted. |
PDNG | All Direct Debit collections in original pain.008.001.08 are pending. Further checks and status update will be performed. |
ACCP | All Direct Debit collections in original pain.008.001.08 have reached the status ACCP, but neither sent out to clearing system nor credited yet. |
ACSP | All Direct Debit collections referred in pain.002.001.03 have reached the status ACSP, but not credited yet. |
ACSC | All Direct Debit collections referred in pain.002.001.03 are credited to client’s account. |
Single payment statuses (OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.TxInfAndSts.TxSts):
RJCT | Rejected - Direct Debit collection has been rejected (final status). |
PDNG | Pending - technical validations were successful. Direct Debit collection is pending and processed by LHV. Further checks and status update will be performed. |
ACCP | Accepted - all validations were successful. Direct Debit collection is being processed by the bank, it has not been credited to client's account nor sent to clearing system. |
ACSP | Accepted - settlement in process. Direct Debit collection has been sent to clearing system. At least one more status update must follow (either accept or reject). |
ACSC | Accepted - settlement completed and Direct Debit collection has been credited to client's account. ACSC is typically the final status. |
Message structure
[1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | Mandatory, occurs once. Set of characteristics shared by all individual direct debit collections included in the status report message. |
[1..1] | ++OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus | <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> | Occurs once. Refers to original direct debit initiation 'Group' level information. |
[0..n] | ++OriginalPaymentInformationAndStatus | <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> | Optional and repetitive. Refers to original direct debit initiation 'Payment Information' level information. |
[0..n] | +++TransactionInformationAndStatus | <TxInfAndSts> | Optional and repetitive. Includes information about the original direct debit collection transaction and its status. |
Message root
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <CstmrPmtStsRpt> | Mandatory, occurs once. |
Group header
[1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | Mandatory, occurs once. | |
[1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message id created by LHV. | |
[1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Creation date and time. | |
[0..1] | ++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | ||
[0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
[0..1] | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++AnyBic | <AnyBIC> | LHV’s BIC. |
Original group information and status
[1..1] | +OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus | <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> | ||
[1..1] | ++OriginalMessageIdentification | <OrgnlMsgId> | Original pain.008.001.08 Group Level Message Id. | |
[1..1] | ++OriginalMessageNameIdentification | <OrgnlMsgNmId> | Value ‘pain.008.001.08’. | |
[0..1] | ++GroupStatus | <GrpSts> | Specifies the Group status of all payments in the original pain.008.001.08 message. Status codes explained above. | |
[0..n] | ++StatusReasonInformation | <StsRsnInf> | ||
[0..1] | +++Reason | <Rsn> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | If Group Status is 'RJCT', then filled with 'NARR'. In this case, Additional Information is also filled. | |
[0..n] | +++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | If Reason Code is filled with 'NARR', error description is present here. See Group Level Errors |
Original payment information and status
[0..n] | +OriginalPaymentInformationAndStatus | <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> | ||
[1..1] | ++OriginalPaymentInformationId | <OrgnlPmtInfId> | Original pain.008.001.08 Payment Information Id. | |
[0..1] | ++PaymentInformationStatus | <PmtInfSts> | Specifies the Group status of one PmtInf block in the original pain.008.001.08 message. Status codes explained Status codes explained above. | |
[0..n] | ++StatusReasonInformation | <StsRsnInf> | ||
[1..1] | +++Reason | <Rsn> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | ||
[0..n] | ++TransactionInformationAndStatus | <TxInfAndSts> | ||
[0..1] | +++OriginalInstructionIdentification | <OrgnlInstrId> | Original direct debit collection order number. | |
[0..1] | +++OriginalEndToEndId | <OrgnlEndToEndId> | ||
[0..1] | +++TransactionStatus | <TxSts> | Direct debit collection status. Status codes explained above. | |
[0..n] | +++StatusReasonInformation | <StsRsnInf> | ||
[1..1] | +++Reason | <Rsn> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | ||
[0..1] | +++OriginalTransactionReference | <OrgnlTxRef> | Direct debit scheme information. | |
[0..1] | ++++Amount | <Amt> | ||
[0..1] | ++++RequestedCollectionDate | <ReqdColltnDt> | ||
[0..1] | ++++CreditorSchemeIdentification | <CdtrSchmeId> | ||
[0..1] | ++++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | ||
[1..1] | ++++MandateRelatedInformation | <MndtRltdInf> | ||
[0..1] | ++++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | ||
[0..1] | ++++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++Debtor | <Dbtr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | ||
[0..1] | ++++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | ||
[0..1] | ++++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | ||
[0..1] | ++++Creditor | <Cdtr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | ||
[0..1] | ++++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> |
For each incoming Direct Debit collection a notification message will be sent (pain.008)
See pain.008.001.08 message details here
For each incoming Direct Debit collection it is possible to send a refusal request using pain.007 message.
POST [base-url]/direct-debit/incoming-collection
Refusal request must be sent as pain.007 message (see below). LHV will validate the message and send pain.002 response message to indicate if the refuse or return submission was successful or not.
When incoming collection is eligible for refusal (before settlement), the cancellation is confirmed with another pain.002 message after the completion of refusal.
When incoming collection is already settled then LHV tries to return the payment. Connect users receive credit/debit notification (camt.054) when action is completed successfully.
This message is used for incoming and outgoing collection refusal or return. Only fields intended for the use of incoming collection refusal in LHV are described here.
Message root
0.0 | [1..1] | Group Header | <GrpHdr> | Mandatory, occurs once. |
0.0 | [1..1] | Original Payment information and reversal | <OrgnlPmtInfAndRvsl> | Refused/reversed payment information |
Group header
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message id |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Creation date and time. |
1.5 | [1..1] | ++Number of transactions | <NbOfTxs> | Must be 1 |
1.6 | [1..1] | ++Control Sum | <CtrlSum> | Value of payment regardless of currency |
Original payment information and reversal
3.0 | [1..1] | +Original payment to be refused or reversed | <OrgnlPmtInfAndRvsl> | |
3.1 | [1..1] | ++Original payment reference | <OrgnlPmtInfId> | Original pain.008.001.08 Payment Id. |
3.2 | [1..1] | ++Original payment end to end id | <OrgnlEndToEndId> | Original pain.008.001.08 end to end id. |
3.3 | [1..1] | ++Refusal reason code | <RvslRsnInf.Rsn.Cd> | See usable reject codes for SEPA DD below |
If we receive incoming collection (outgoing payment), we will notify the debtor by sending pain.008.001.08 ("Customer Direct Debit Collection Initiation")
No response is required when debtor allows the incoming collection (outgoing payment).
Debtor can request refunds or return up to 8 weeks after payment settlement by sending pain.007 message (see below).
Debtor can request a refund from 8 weeks after the payment settlement date by sending an email to the service provider.
POST [base-url]/direct-debit/incoming-collection
Debtor can request refunds or return up to 8 weeks after payment settlement by sending pain.007 message.
Debtor can request a refund from 8 weeks after the payment settlement date by sending an email to the service provider.
Pain.002 is provided as a response for refuse or return request where:
LHV is currently using pain.007.001.09.
GrpHdr.MsgId | Mandatory | Must be filled as required by XSD |
GrpHdr.NbOfTxs | Mandatory | Only value 1 is supported. Each collection must be refused/returned separately |
OrgnlPmtInfAndRvsl.OrgnlPmtInfId | Mandatory | Used for finding collection to be refused. Must be filled as required by XSD |
OrgnlPmtInfAndRvsl.TxInf.OrgnlEndToEndId | Mandatory | Used for finding collection to be refused. Must be filled as required by XSD |
*Note: All other elements must be filled according to pain.007.001.09 XSD requirements but are not involved in the business process and not validated in LHV.
Examples of collections and related messages for typical use cases depending on Direct Debit schemes and other details.
SEPA Direct Debit collection | SEPA Direct Debit collection for EE LHV account. |
- Direct Debit Initiation Request |
RJCT | Duplicate message. | |
RJCT | Duplicate Payment Information block [PmtInf.PmtInfId]. | |
RJCT | Duplicate Direct Debit Transaction block [PmtInf.DrctDbtTxInf.PmtId.EndToEndId]. | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Technical error. | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. XML Schema validation error. | XML file doesn’t pass XSD validation. Reference to invalid value is given if possible. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty number of direct debit transactions in file header. | Invalid Number Of Transactions in Header Level. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty control sum in file header. | Invalid Control Sum in Header Level. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty number of direct debit transactions in payment information block [PmtInf.PmtInfId]. | Invalid Number Of Transactions in referenced Payment Information block. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty control sum in payment information block [PmtInf.PmtInfId]. | Invalid Control Sum in referenced Payment Information block. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Creditor Scheme Identification [...SchmeNm.Prtry] not allowed. | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Routing code not allowed: [PmtInf.PmtInfId.SvcLvl.Prtry] | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty creditor account [IBAN]. | At least one IBAN does not exist. First bad number encountered is added to error message. |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Sending collections from this BIC [IBAN] is not allowed by the scheme. | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. The debtor name field must be filled. | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. The creditor name field must be filled. | |
RJCT | Uploading file failed. Faulty debtor account [IBAN]. | |
RJCT | No rights to creditor's account [IBAN]. | |
RJCT | Invalid Creditor Identifier [PmtInf.CdtrSchmeId.Id.PrvtId.Othr.Id]. |
RJCT | Invalid Requested Collection Date. Date is not within allowed range. | |
RJCT | Invalid Creditor / Debtor IBAN format. | |
RJCT | Debtor Agent not allowed. Debtor Agent must be a member of the Direct Debit scheme selected. | |
RJCT | Invalid Mandate Identification. The Mandate Identification field must be filled. | |
RJCT | Invalid Mandate Amendment Info. The values under Amendment Information Details block should be different. | |
RJCT | Original Debtor Agent not allowed when Original Debtor Account is 'SMNDA'. | |
RJCT | AC01 | Incorrect Account Number |
RJCT | AC04 | Closed Account Number |
RJCT | AC06 | Blocked Account |
RJCT | AG01 | Transaction Forbidden → This error code is used, when Debtor Account is not the correct type (cannot be master account or safeguarding account if payment is not reversal/return; also cannot be virtual account ) |
RJCT | AG02 | Invalid PSP Operation Code/ transaction code/ sequence type incorrect, invalid file format. |
RJCT | AM02 | Not Allowed Amount |
RJCT | AM04 | Insufficient Funds |
RJCT | AM05 | Duplication |
RJCT | CNOR | Creditor PSP is not registered under this BIC in the CSM |
RJCT | DNOR | Debtor PSP is not registered under this BIC in the CSM |
RJCT | DT01 | Invalid Date → This error code is also set when the settlement date is not consistent with the Direct Debit product configuration for the following configuration parameters: * DD Earliest submission date * DD Latest date for first or one-off * DD Latest date for recurring or final * Latest date for Reversal * Latest date for Returns * Latest date for Refund (auth/notauth) |
RJCT | ED05 | Settlement Failed |
RJCT | MD01 | Unauthorized Transaction |
RJCT | MD02 | Missing Mandatory Information Mandate |
RJCT | MD07 | End Customer Deceased |
RJCT | MS02 | Not Specified Reason Customer Generated |
RJCT | MS03 | Not Specified Reason Agent Generated |
RJCT | RC01 | PSP Identifier Incorrect |
RJCT | RR01 | Missing Debtor Account or Identification - Code used by PSPs to indicate a Return for Regulatory Reason |
RJCT | RR02 | Missing Debtor Name or Address - Code used by PSPs to indicate a Return for Regulatory Reason |
RJCT | RR03 | Missing Creditor Name or Address - Code used by PSPs to indicate a Return for Regulatory Reason |
RJCT | RR04 | Regulatory Reason |
RJCT | SL01 | Specific Service offered by Debtor PSP |
RJCT | BE05 | Unrecognized Initiating Party – Identifier of the Creditor Incorrect |
RJCT | PY01 | Unknown BIC in routing table - If the creditor agent is not an RB of the instructing agent or if DP/RB is not present in the routing table |
RJCT | FF01 | Operation/transaction code incorrect, invalid file format |
RJCT | XD19 | Invalid IBAN format - An IBAN in the transaction has failed the ISO 13616 |
RJCT | XT13 | Unsupported XML field → The transaction contains at least one unsupported field; At least one mandatory field is not present the transaction. The offending XML tag is present with the error code (if available). |
RJCT | XT33 | Invalid data format - The content of at least one XML element is not in the required format. The offending XML tag is present with the error code. |
RJCT | XT73 | Invalid country code - The two characters for country code are not a valid ISO3166 country code. |
RJCT | XT74 | Invalid original transaction status, action required |
RJCT | XT75 | Invalid original transaction status, action not required |
RJCT | XT77 | The Interbank Settlement Amount is not the same as the original debit |
RJCT | XT78 | Check on compensation amount in refunds failed |
RJCT | XT79 | Debtor Agent not allowed to receive DD and consequently to receive Reversal and PCR. It is also not allowed to send Return/Refund and Reject/Refusal - If the admission profile does not admit the sending of a DD or Participant in RONLY status, or the participant is not allowed to use an option (NLGO/ICMC). |
RJCT | XT80 | Creditor Agent not allowed to send DD and consequently to send Reversal and PCR. It is also not allowed to receive Return/Refund and Reject/Refusal - The Creditor Agent is not allowed to send Direct Debit as per the information available in the Routing Table, or the Participant is not allowed to use an option (NLGO/ICMC) |
RJCT | XT81 | Field not permitted in SDD Service |
RJCT | XT87 | R-Message not following same DP route/ sending DP not identical to Instructing / Instructed Agent of the original transaction |
RJCT | XT90 | Invalid use of a Technical BIC |
RJCT | XT91 | Creditor Agent or Debtor Agent of the original transaction is not allowed to be part of the SEPACOM Closed User Group |
Virtual IBAN services are a special solution for financial institutions to issue unique account numbers to underlying customers in their name.
POST [base-url]/viban/open
Service is used to request new Virtual IBAN opening. Only one Virtual IBAN can be opened with one service request.
It is mandatory to fill in minimal data set about Virtual IBAN owner and request message structure is slightly different for private and legal persons.
After receiving the request, background check is done by LHV for Virtual IBAN owner (the check is done in less than a second).
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanOpenRequest> | |
[1..1] | ++MasterAccount | <MasterAccount> | Master account IBAN (must belong to PSP). |
[0..1] | ++ClientReference | <ClientReference> | Customer reference defined by Payment Service Provider. Can be used to avoid opening duplicate VIBANs. |
[1..1] | ++User | <User> | |
[0..1] | +++Person | <Person> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is private person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of private person. |
[1..1] | ++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of private person (YYYY-MM-DD). |
[0..1] | ++++BirthCountry | <BirthCountry> | Country of birth of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[0..1] | ++++DocumentNumber | <DocumentNumber> | Document number of private person. |
[0..1] | +++Company | <Company> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | Name of company. |
[1..1] | ++++CountryOfOrigin | <CountryOfOrigin> | Country of origin of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++TaxResidency | <TaxResidency> | Tax residency of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++RegistrationNumber | <RegistrationNumber> | Registration number of legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Representative | <Representative> | |
[1..1] | +++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of representative. |
[1..1] | +++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of representative, YYYY-MM-DD. |
[1..1] | +++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of representative (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | +++Address | <Address> | Registered address of a person or a company. |
[1..1] | ++++Country | <Country> | Address country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++StreetNo | <StreetNo> | Street address. |
[1..1] | ++++CityCounty | <CityCounty> | City, county. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Donald Duck</Name>
<StreetNo>Majaka 47-10</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>Xiao, Neverland</CityCounty>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>UK Ltd Version 2.0</Name>
<Name>Harry Potter</Name>
<StreetNo>Waterloo Bridge 13</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>London, Cold</CityCounty>
Header Message-Response-Type: VIBAN_OPEN
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanOpenResponse> | |
[1..1] | ++MasterAccount | <MasterAccount> | |
[0..1] | ++ClientReference | <ClientReference> | Customer reference defined by Payment Service Provider. |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | Virtual IBAN that was generated. |
[1..1] | ++User | <User> | |
[0..1] | +++Person | <Person> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is private person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of private person. |
[1..1] | ++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of private person (YYYY-MM-DD). |
[0..1] | ++++BirthCountry | <BirthCountry> | Country of birth of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[0..1] | ++++DocumentNumber | <DocumentNumber> | Document number of private person. |
[0..1] | +++Company | <Company> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | Name of company. |
[1..1] | ++++CountryOfOrigin | <CountryOfOrigin> | Country of origin of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++TaxResidency | <TaxResidency> | Tax residency of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++RegistrationNumber | <RegistrationNumber> | Registration number of legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Representative | <Representative> | |
[1..1] | +++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of representative. |
[1..1] | +++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of representative, YYYY-MM-DD. |
[1..1] | +++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of representative (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | +++Address | <Address> | Registered address of a person or a company. |
[1..1] | ++++Country | <Country> | Address country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++StreetNo | <StreetNo> | Street address. |
[1..1] | ++++CityCounty | <CityCounty> | City, county. |
[1..1] | ++Status | <Status> | Status of Virtual IBAN: 'ACTIVE' or 'ON_HOLD'. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Name>Donald Duck</Name>
<StreetNo>Majaka 47-10</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>Xiao, Neverland</CityCounty>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Name>UK Ltd Version 2.0</Name>
<Name>Harry Potter</Name>
<StreetNo>Waterloo Bridge 13</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>London, Cold</CityCounty>
POST [base-url]/viban/bulk
Service is used for bulk opening nameless Virtual IBANs. Up to 1000 virtual IBANs can be opened with one request.
Nameless virtual IBANs remain in "PENDING" status and can not be used for making payments until Virtual IBAN owner's personal details are added via service Virtual IBAN Modify.
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanBulkRequest> | |
[1..1] | ++MasterAccount | <MasterAccount> | Master account IBAN (must belong to PSP). |
[1..1] | ++Amount | <Amount> | Amount of Virtual IBANs to be generated. Must be in range of 1 - 1000. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Header Message-Response-Type: VIBAN_BULK
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanBulkResponse> | |
[1..1] | ++MasterAccount | <MasterAccount> | Master account IBAN (must belong to PSP). |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBANList | <VirtualIBANList> | |
[1..n] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | Virtual IBAN that was generated. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
POST [base-url]/viban/modify
Service is used to:
Only one Virtual IBAN can be modified with one service request. It is mandatory to fill in minimal data set about Virtual IBAN owner and request message structure is slightly different for private and legal persons. After receiving the request, background check is done by LHV for Virtual IBAN owner.
If check is OK, then Virtual IBAN is activated at once.
If check is not OK, then Virtual IBAN will remain in status "ON_HOLD" until decision about Virtual IBAN opening is made. CONNECT customer will be informed about the decision via service Status notification.
Rules when changing the data of already activated Virtual IBAN:
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanModifyRequest> | |
[1..1] | ++MasterAccount | <MasterAccount> | Master account IBAN (must belong to PSP). |
[0..1] | ++ClientReference | <ClientReference> | Customer reference defined by Payment Service Provider. Can be used to avoid opening duplicate VIBANs. |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | Virtual IBAN (must be nameless Virtual IBAN in PENDING status). |
[1..1] | ++User | <User> | |
[0..1] | +++Person | <Person> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is private person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of private person. |
[1..1] | ++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of private person (YYYY-MM-DD). |
[0..1] | ++++BirthCountry | <BirthCountry> | Country of birth of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[0..1] | ++++DocumentNumber | <DocumentNumber> | Document number of private person. |
[0..1] | +++Company | <Company> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | Name of company. |
[1..1] | ++++CountryOfOrigin | <CountryOfOrigin> | Country of origin of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++TaxResidency | <TaxResidency> | Tax residency of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++RegistrationNumber | <RegistrationNumber> | Registration number of legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Representative | <Representative> | |
[1..1] | +++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of representative. |
[1..1] | +++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of representative, YYYY-MM-DD. |
[1..1] | +++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of representative (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | +++Address | <Address> | Registered address of a person or a company. |
[1..1] | ++++Country | <Country> | Address country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++StreetNo | <StreetNo> | Street address. |
[1..1] | ++++CityCounty | <CityCounty> | City, county. |
[0..1] | ++ModifyReason | <ModifyReason> | Reason for modification (mandatory if Virtual IBAN is not in PENDING status). |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Donald Mouse</Name>
<StreetNo>Majaka 47-10</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>Xiao, Neverland</CityCounty>
<ModifyReason>Name legally changed to Donald Mouse</ModifyReason>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>UK Ltd Version 2.0</Name>
<Name>John Connor</Name>
<StreetNo>Waterloo Bridge 13</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>London, Cold</CityCounty>
<ModifyReason>New company representative</ModifyReason>
Header Message-Response-Type: VIBAN_MODIFY
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanModifyResponse> | |
[0..1] | ++ClientReference | <ClientReference> | Customer reference defined by Payment Service Provider. |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | |
[1..1] | ++User | <User> | |
[0..1] | +++Person | <Person> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is private person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of private person. |
[1..1] | ++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of private person (YYYY-MM-DD). |
[0..1] | ++++BirthCountry | <BirthCountry> | Country of birth of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[0..1] | ++++DocumentNumber | <DocumentNumber> | Document number of private person. |
[0..1] | +++Company | <Company> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | Name of company. |
[1..1] | ++++CountryOfOrigin | <CountryOfOrigin> | Country of origin of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++TaxResidency | <TaxResidency> | Tax residency of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++RegistrationNumber | <RegistrationNumber> | Registration number of legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Representative | <Representative> | |
[1..1] | +++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of representative. |
[1..1] | +++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of representative, YYYY-MM-DD. |
[1..1] | +++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of representative (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | +++Address | <Address> | Registered address of a person or a company. |
[1..1] | ++++Country | <Country> | Address country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++StreetNo | <StreetNo> | Street address. |
[1..1] | ++++CityCounty | <CityCounty> | City, county. |
[1..1] | ++Status | <Status> | Status of Virtual IBAN: 'ACTIVE' or 'ON_HOLD'. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Name>Donald Duck</Name>
<StreetNo>Majaka 47-10</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>Xiao, Neverland</CityCounty>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Name>UK Ltd Version 2.0</Name>
<Name>Harry Potter</Name>
<StreetNo>Waterloo Bridge 13</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>London, Cold</CityCounty>
POST [base-url]/viban/info
Service is used to request Virtual IBAN data.
Response message structure is slightly different for private and legal persons.
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanInfoRequest> | |
[1..1] | ++MasterAccount | <MasterAccount> | Master account IBAN (must belong to PSP). |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | Virtual IBAN (must be issued under MasterAccount specified). |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Header Message-Response-Type: VIBAN_INFO
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanInfoResponse> | |
[0..1] | ++ClientReference | <ClientReference> | Customer reference defined by Payment Service Provider. |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | |
[1..1] | ++User | <User> | |
[0..1] | +++Person | <Person> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is private person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of private person. |
[1..1] | ++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of private person (YYYY-MM-DD). |
[0..1] | ++++BirthCountry | <BirthCountry> | Country of birth of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[0..1] | ++++DocumentNumber | <DocumentNumber> | Document number of private person. |
[0..1] | +++Company | <Company> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | Name of company. |
[1..1] | ++++CountryOfOrigin | <CountryOfOrigin> | Country of origin of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++TaxResidency | <TaxResidency> | Tax residency of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++RegistrationNumber | <RegistrationNumber> | Registration number of legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Representative | <Representative> | |
[1..1] | +++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of representative. |
[1..1] | +++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of representative, YYYY-MM-DD. |
[1..1] | +++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of representative (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | +++Address | <Address> | Registered address of a person or a company. |
[1..1] | ++++Country | <Country> | Address country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++StreetNo | <StreetNo> | Street address. |
[1..1] | ++++CityCounty | <CityCounty> | City, county. |
[1..1] | ++Status | <Status> | Status of Virtual IBAN: 'ACTIVE', 'ON_HOLD', 'PENDING', 'REJECTED', 'BLOCKED' or 'CLOSED'. |
[0..1] | ++DateActivated | <DateActivated> | Optional. Added if Virtual IBAN has been in activated. |
[0..1] | ++DateClosed | <DateClosed> | Optional. Added if Virtual IBAN has beel closed. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Donald Duck</Name>
<StreetNo>Majaka 47-10</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>Xiao, Neverland</CityCounty>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>UK Ltd Version 2.0</Name>
<Name>Harry Potter</Name>
<StreetNo>Waterloo Bridge 13</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>London, Cold</CityCounty>
POST [base-url]/viban/close
Service is used to close a Virtual IBAN.
Once Virtual IBAN is closed, it cannot be activated again.
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanCloseRequest> | |
[1..1] | ++MasterAccount | <MasterAccount> | Master account IBAN (must belong to PSP). |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | Virtual IBAN (must be issued under MasterAccount specified). |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Header Message-Response-Type: VIBAN_CLOSE
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanCloseResponse> | |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | |
[1..1] | ++Status | <Status> | 'CLOSED' |
[1..1] | ++DateClosed | <DateClosed> | Date and time of closing. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Service is used to send information to CONNECT customers about Virtual IBAN status changes. Notification messages are created for status changes not initiated directly by user - for example when account with screening match is activated (status changes from ON_HOLD to ACTIVE).
Header Message-Response-Type: VIBAN_STATUS_NOTIFICATION
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <VibanStatusNotification> | |
[0..1] | ++ClientReference | <ClientReference> | Customer reference defined by Payment Service Provider. |
[1..1] | ++MasterAccount | <MasterAccount> | Master account IBAN (must belong to PSP). |
[1..1] | ++VirtualIBAN | <VirtualIBAN> | Virtual IBAN (must be issued under MasterAccount specified). |
[1..1] | ++User | <User> | |
[0..1] | +++Person | <Person> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is private person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of private person. |
[1..1] | ++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of private person (YYYY-MM-DD). |
[0..1] | ++++BirthCountry | <BirthCountry> | Country of birth of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of private person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[0..1] | ++++DocumentNumber | <DocumentNumber> | Document number of private person. |
[0..1] | +++Company | <Company> | Element of choice, used if Virtual IBAN owner is legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Name> | Name of company. |
[1..1] | ++++CountryOfOrigin | <CountryOfOrigin> | Country of origin of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++TaxResidency | <TaxResidency> | Tax residency of legal person (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++RegistrationNumber | <RegistrationNumber> | Registration number of legal person. |
[1..1] | ++++Representative | <Representative> | |
[1..1] | +++++Name | <Name> | First and last name of representative. |
[1..1] | +++++BirthDate | <BirthDate> | Birth date of representative, YYYY-MM-DD. |
[1..1] | +++++Residency | <Residency> | Country of residence of representative (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | +++Address | <Address> | Registered address of a person or a company. |
[1..1] | ++++Country | <Country> | Address country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
[1..1] | ++++StreetNo | <StreetNo> | Street address. |
[1..1] | ++++CityCounty | <CityCounty> | City, county. |
[1..1] | ++Status | <Status> | Status of Virtual IBAN: 'ACTIVE', 'ON_HOLD', 'PENDING', 'REJECTED', 'BLOCKED' or 'CLOSED'. |
[0..1] | ++DateActivated | <DateActivated> | Optional. Added if Virtual IBAN has been in activated. |
[0..1] | ++DateClosed | <DateClosed> | Optional. Added if Virtual IBAN has beel closed. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Donald Duck</Name>
<StreetNo>Majaka 47-10</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>Xiao, Neverland</CityCounty>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>UK Ltd Version 2.0</Name>
<Name>Harry Potter</Name>
<StreetNo>Waterloo Bridge 13</StreetNo>
<CityCounty>London, Cold</CityCounty>
ErrorCode | Description | Field |
'INVALID_REQUEST' | Invalid request. | - |
'TECHNICAL_ERROR' | Technical error. | - |
'FORBIDDEN' | Unauthorized master account. | <MasterAccount> |
'FORBIDDEN' | Unauthorized virtual IBAN. | <VirtualIBAN> |
'INVALID_ACCOUNT' | Account does not exist. | <MasterAccount> |
'INVALID_BIRTH_DATE' | Birth date format is YYYY-MM-DD. Birth date cannot be in the future. | <BirthDate> |
'INVALID_COUNTRY' | Unknown country. | <BirthCountry> <Residency> <CountryOfOrigin> <TaxResidency> <Country> |
'INVALID_STATUS' | Virtual IBAN has to be in ACTIVE / PENDING / BLOCKED status. Virtual IBAN has to be in ACTIVE / PENDING / ON_HOLD status. | <VirtualIBAN> |
'INVALID_VIBAN' | Virtual IBAN does not exist. | <VirtualIBAN> |
'MASTER_ACCOUNT_AGREEMENT_MISSING' | Active master account agreement is missing. | <MasterAccount> |
'INVALID_REASON' | Reason for the change is missing. Reason for the change is not allowed when status is PENDING. | <ModifyReason> |
'INVALID_USER_TYPE' | Changing user type is not allowed. | <User> |
'INVALID_CLIENT_REFERENCE' | Client reference number must be unique. Client reference number change is not allowed. | <ClientReference> |
Services for Indirect Scheme Access Account management for service providers with a valid Indirect Scheme Access Service agreement.
We offer this service for FPS (Faster Payments scheme) for customers opened bank account (IBAN) with LHV UK branch and following SEPA schemes for customers opened bank account (IBAN) with LHV Pank: SEPA Credit Transfers (scheme STEP2 SCT), SEPA Instant payments (Scheme RT1 and TIPS), SEPA direct debits (scheme STEP2 SDD CORE ).
POST [base-url]/agent/account/synchronize
Service is used for synchronizing third party service provider's existing account numbers with LHV.
Request supports multiple accounts in bulk.
Bank Codes is optional list of one or two Codes that indicate if any account number should by synced with LHV EE, LHV UK or both! This depends on the customer setup and business case.
This can be used only when connected to LHV UK Connect API host.
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <AgentAccountSyncRequest> | |
[0..1] | ++BankCodes | <BankCodes> | List of LHV bank codes where to sync the account. To be used only for LHV UK Connect API host |
[1..2] | +++BankCode | <BankCode> | * LHVBEE22 or LHVBEE22XXX - use for LHVEE * LHVBGB2L or LHVBGB2LXXX - use for LHVUK |
[1..1] | ++Accounts | <Accounts> | List of accounts |
[1..1] | +++Region | <Region> | 'GB' or ISO country code (SEPA Scheme Country) used in IBAN. |
[0..1] | +++AccountNo | <AccountNo> | For 'GB' region UK sort code + account no (14 characters). AccountNo or IBAN or both can exist. AccountNo's for other regions than 'GB' are ignored. |
[0..1] | +++Iban | <Iban> | IBAN country code must match the value of Region. The BIC code to which the IBAN refers must have a valid Agency agreement. |
[0..1] | +++Status | <Status> | Values 'ACTIVE' or 'CLOSED'. If new account is synced and field is empty, default value 'ACTIVE' is applied. If existing account update and field is empty, existing status is not changed. Status can be changed from ACTIVE to CLOSED and vice versa. |
Simplest version where two accounts are opened in default LHV entity:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Account is synced to LHV UK - BankCode = LHVBGB2L
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Account is synced both to LHV UK and LHV EE
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Header Message-Response-Type: AGENT_ACCOUNT_SYNC
+MessageRoot | <AgentAccountSyncResponse> | |
++Accounts | <Accounts> | |
+++Account | <Account> | |
+++Region | <Region> | |
+++AccountNo | <AccountNo> | Filled if existed in request. |
+++Iban | <Iban> | Filled if existed in request. |
+++Status | <Status> | <ACTIVE> |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Description>Master account not found.</Description>
<Field>account[1].AccountNo, account[1].Iban</Field>
Error codes are subject to change.
INVALID_REGION | Invalid Region. |
INVALID_ACCOUNT_NO_OR_IBAN | Account number invalid. |
ACCOUNT_NO_AND_IBAN_MISMATCH | AccountNo and AccountNoIban mismatch. |
MASTER_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | Master account not found. |
TECHNICAL_ERROR | Technical error. |
INVALID_REQUEST | Invalid request. |
Routing Table Files (RTF) include the set of direct and indirect payment scheme participants.
Header Message-Response-Type: AGENT_REPORT
Messages appear in the Connect message queue depending on payment scheme. Customer cannot request for the files directly.
All files are sent in machine-readable format and are full files. Only RT1 RTF are sent gzip-ed.
Content type property in the message indicates the payment scheme:
RTF files are available for following schemes:
RT1 - files are sent each time RTF is updated. Change occurs on a weekly basis. RTFs are sent before each change date. By default, the change date is Tuesday and normally RTFs are sent on Monday.
For RT1 there will be 2 RTFs- for direct and indirect participants.
RTF contents: participant BIC, name, date from which BIC is valid, date until which BIC is valid, BIC of the associated direct participant in case of indirect membership, TIPS account owner BIC, current status and payment types allowed.
TIPS - RTF is sent every day. There is one file which includes direct and indirect participants.
RTF contents: participant BIC, name, date from which BIC is valid, date until which BIC is valid, TIPS BIC, TIPS account owner BIC, current status and payment types allowed.
STEP2 SCT - files are sent each time RTF is updated. Change occurs once a month. RTFs are sent week before change date. By default the change date is Tuesday and normally RTFs are sent on Monday
For STEP2 SCT there will be 2 RTFs- for direct and indirect participants.
RTF contents: participant BIC, name, date from which BIC is valid, date until which BIC is valid, BIC of the associated direct participant in case of indirect membership, settlement BIC, current status and payment types allowed.
STEP2 SDD CORE - files are sent each time RTF is updated. Change occurs once a month. RTFs are sent week before change date. By default the change date is Tuesday and normally RTFs are sent on Monday
For STEP2 SDD CORE there will be 2 RTFs- for direct and indirect participants.
RTF contents: participant BIC, name, date from which BIC is valid, date until which BIC is valid, BIC of the associated direct participant in case of indirect membership, settlement BIC, current status, admission profile and debit types allowed.
Target2 - RTF is sent every business day. There is one file which includes all direct and indirect participants.
RTF contents: participant BIC, addressee BIC, account BIC, institution name, city, valid from/to, participation type.
Services related to Foreign Exchange (FX).
Current functionality covers FX tenors TODAY and SPOT directly on the customer account.
FX transactions and settlement
FX rates and margin
For example if base currency is EUR and EUR/USD rate is 1.12:
* FX from 100 EUR to 112 USD: (from amount) x (rate) = (to amount)
* FX from 100 USD to 89.29 EUR: (to amount) x (rate) = (from amount)
POST [base-url]/fx/trade-offer
Initiate creation of new FX trade offer.
Body in JSON format.
Field | Type | Comment |
requestReference | String | Customer provided request reference. Can be used for uniqueness check |
accountIBAN | String | Customer account in IBAN format |
currencyFrom | String | Selling currency |
currencyTo | String | Buying currency |
amountFrom | number | Selling amount - providing one of amountFrom or amountTo is mandatory |
amountTo | number | Buying amount - providing one of amountFrom or amountTo is mandatory |
comment | String | Comment related to the deal |
tenor | String | FX deal tenor: TODAY or SPOT |
// Sell TODAY
"requestReference": 1234005,
"accountIBAN": "EE337700771001260958",
"currencyFrom": "GBP",
"currencyTo": "USD",
"amountFrom": 1,
"amountTo": null,
"comment": "test1",
"tenor": "TODAY"
// Buy SPOT
"requestReference": "12345678",
"accountIBAN": "EE123456781234",
"currencyFrom": "EUR",
"currencyTo": "GBP",
"amountFrom": null,
"amountTo": 1,
"comment": "test1",
"tenor": "SPOT",
Response is in JSON format and returned in the common message queue.
Field | Type | Comment |
requestReference | String | Customer reference. |
accountIBAN | String | Customer account in IBAN format |
currencyFrom | String | Selling currency |
amountFrom | number | Selling amount |
currencyTo | number | Buying currency |
amountTo | String | Buying amount |
baseCurrency | String | Base currency. Selected automatically based on the currency pair. |
orderDateTime | DateTime | Time of submitting the order. |
tradeDate | DateTime | Trade date (with last minute and second) |
settlementDate | DateTime | Settlement date (with last minute and second). |
tenor | String | FX deal tenor |
quote | number | Offered quote rate. Direction is based on baseCurrency: baseCurrency amount * quote = quote Currency amount. |
tradeOfferStatus | String | State of the offer. * CONFIRMATION_PENDING - deal can be confirmed. * CANCELLED - error in parameters or processing and deal cannot be confirmed. |
comment | String | Comment related to the deal |
accountServicerReference | String | FX deal reference provided by the Bank |
validityTime | DateTime | Quote offer validity time. Offer should be confirmed before this. |
"requestReference": "1234005",
"accountIban": "EE337700771001260958",
"currencyFrom": "GBP",
"amountFrom": 1.0,
"currencyTo": "USD",
"amountTo": 1.32,
"baseCurrency": "GBP",
"orderDateTime": "2021-12-15T14:35:20.303+02:00",
"tradeDate": "2021-12-15T23:59:59+02:00",
"settlementDate": "2021-12-15T23:59:59+02:00",
"tenor": "TODAY",
"quote": 1.32031,
"tradeOfferStatus": "CONFIRMATION_PENDING",
"comment": "test1",
"accountServicerReference": "044eeef9-e1f9-46cb-87ae-4cdf85165b19",
"validityTime": "2021-12-15T14:38:20.658+02:00"
POST [base-url]/fx/trade-offer-confirmation
Confirm the trade offer initiated with POST [base-url]/fx/trade-offer
Body in JSON format.
Field | Type | Comment |
requestReference | String | Customer reference. |
confirm | String | * true - confirm the offer. * false - reject the offer. It cannot be confirmed anymore even with validity time left. |
"requestReference": "1234005",
"confirm": true
Response is in JSON format and returned in the common message queue.
Field | Type | Comment |
tradeStatus | String | State of the offer. * SETTLEMENT_PENDING - deal confirmed and waiting for settlement. * COMPLETED - settlement completed. * CANCELLED - error in parameters or processing and deal cannot be confirmed. |
accountIBAN | String | Customer account in IBAN format |
requestReference | String | Customer reference. |
currencyFrom | String | Selling currency |
amountFrom | number | Selling amount |
currencyTo | number | Buying currency |
amountTo | String | Buying amount |
baseCurrency | String | Base currency. Selected automatically based on the currency pair. |
tenor | String | FX deal tenor |
quote | number | Offered quote rate. Direction is based on baseCurrency: baseCurrency amount * quote = quote Currency amount. |
orderDateTime | DateTime | Time of submitting the order. |
tradeDate | DateTime | Trade date (with last minute and second) |
settlementDate | DateTime | Settlement date (with last minute and second). |
settlementDoneDateTime | DateTime | Filled in when settlement executed. |
comment | String | Comment related to the deal |
accountServicerReference | String | Unique FX deal reference provided by the Bank |
pmtInfId | String | FX deal reference provided by the bank to relate transaction on the account to FX deal. Matches pmtInfId value in Account Statement and Debit-Credit Notification messages. |
"tradeStatus": "COMPLETED",
"accountIban": "EE337700771001260958",
"requestReference": "1234005",
"currencyFrom": "GBP",
"amountFrom": 1.0,
"currencyTo": "USD",
"amountTo": 1.32,
"baseCurrency": "GBP",
"tenor": "TODAY",
"quote": 1.32031,
"orderDateTime": "2021-12-15T14:35:20.303+02:00",
"tradeDate": "2021-12-15T23:59:59+02:00",
"settlementDate": "2021-12-15T23:59:59+02:00",
"settlementDoneDateTime": "2021-12-15T14:35:49.123+02:00",
"comment": "test1",
"accountServicerReference": "044eeef9-e1f9-46cb-87ae-4cdf85165b19",
"pmtInfId": 10357175
FX messages errors are typically represented on errorcode field in the response messages
In this case there is not enough free balance on customers account.
"requestReference": "12345629",
"accountIban": "EE33770077100xxxxxxx",
"currencyFrom": "AUD",
"amountFrom": 100000000.0,
"currencyTo": "EUR",
"amountTo": 68965517.24,
"baseCurrency": "EUR",
"orderDateTime": "2022-02-14T15:53:39.308254+02:00",
"tradeDate": "2022-02-14T23:59:59+02:00",
"settlementDate": "2022-02-14T23:59:59+02:00",
"tenor": "TODAY",
"quote": 1.45,
"tradeOfferStatus": "CANCELLED",
"comment": "testkommentaar",
"accountServicerReference": "43eabe9c-0bf8-4543-ac19-e0b4452686d3",
"errorCode": [
"Conversion not possible, because there are no funds for currency (100000000.00 AUD -> 68965517.24 EUR, 1.45000)"
One or more of the mandatory parameters are missing. In this sample there is no amount from or amount to.
"requestReference": "000111222334455888990011",
"accountIban": "EE317700771001316284",
"currencyFrom": "USD",
"currencyTo": "EUR",
"baseCurrency": "EUR",
"orderDateTime": 1642360063.081324000,
"tradeDate": 1642370399.000000000,
"tenor": "TODAY",
"tradeOfferStatus": "CANCELLED",
"comment": "test",
"accountServicerReference": "40f04bb2-cc3a-4bc3-8b82-67f55a3421d9",
"errorCode": [
"At least one amount for the trade must be given"
In this sample requestReference is not string. Other fields might be also impacted.
"errorCode": [
"Invalid numeric value: Leading zeroes not allowed\n at [Source: (String)\"{\n \"requestReference\": 000111222334455,\n \"accountIBAN\": \"EE317700771001316284\",\n
\"currencyFrom\": \"USD\",\n \"amountFrom\": 100,\n \"currencyTo\": \"EUR\",\n \"tenor\": \"TODAY\",\n \"comment\": \"test\"\n}\"; line: 2, column: 24]"
Trade offer validity time is expired.
{"errorCode":["Trade offer quote has expired"]}
Account does not exist or is not accessible for current customer.
{"errorCode":["Incorrect Account"]}
In this case the pricing feed is not available. It might be a temporary error and should be retried after a while.
{"errorCode":["Pricing not available, try again later"]}
This is typically some internal technical error and please contact our support.
POST [base-url]/acq/merchant-report
Service can be used to get an overview about customer (merchant) card payments during the specified period.
[1..1] | +MerchantReportRequest | <MerchantReportRequest> | |
[1..1] | ++Type | <Type> | CAMT_SETTLEMENT – settlement report CAMT_TRANSACTION – transaction report |
[1..1] | ++PeriodStart | <PeriodStart> | Maximum period is 35 days by date when transaction was settled or made. |
[1..1] | ++PeriodEnd | <PeriodEnd> |
XML format - ISO 20022 camt.054.001.02
Header Message-Response-Type: ACQ_REPORT
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once.
Notificaton – mandatory and repetitive per account number and currency. One notification block can include many entries.
Entry – optional and repetitive. Contains information about single entry.
[1..1] | MessageRoot | <BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn> |
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | ||
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identifier generated by LHV. | |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time when the message is created at LHV. | |
2.0 | [1..n] | +Notification | <Ntfctn> | ||
2.1 | [1..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | Unique identifier generated by LHV. | |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time when the message is created at LHV. | |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | ||
[1..1] | +++ Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | IBAN for which this notification block is generated. | ||
[1..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Currency for which this notification block is generated. | ||
2.23 | [0..1] | ++TransactionSummary | <TxsSummry> | ||
2.29 | [1..1] | +++TotalCreditEntries | <TtlCdtNtries> | ||
2.30 | [1..1] | ++++NumberOfEntries | <NbOfNtries> | ||
2.31 | [1..1] | ++++Sum | <Sum> | ||
2.32 | [1..1] | +++TotalDebitEntries | <TtlDbtNtries> | ||
2.33 | [1..1] | ++++NumberOfEntries | <NbOfNtries> | ||
2.34 | [1..1] | ++++Sum | <Sum> | ||
2.56 | [0..n] | ++Entry | <Ntry> | Transaction level entry. | |
2.57 | [0..1] | +++EntryReference | <NtryRef> | Unique transaction reference. | |
2.58 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt Ccy="AAA"> | Transaction amount (may be zero). | |
2.59 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | Zero amount is considered a credit amount. | |
2.61 | [1..1] | +++Status | <Sts> | BOOK. | |
2.62 | [1..1] | +++BookingDate | <BookgDt> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Transaction date. | ||
2.63 | [0..1] | +++ValueDate | <ValDt> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Transaction settlement date. | ||
2.64 | [1..1] | +++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique transaction reference. Same as 2.57 +++EntryReference. | |
2.71 | [1..1] | +++BankTransactionCode | <BkTxCd> | ||
2.72 | [1..1] | ++++Domain | <Domn> | ||
2.73 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.74 | [1..1] | +++++Family | <Fmly> | ||
2.75 | [1..1] | ++++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.76 | [1..1] | ++++++SubFamilyCode | <SubFmlyCd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
2.78 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | POS terminal id. | |
2.115 | [1..n] | +++EntryDetails | <NtryDtls> | ||
2.122 | [1..n] | ++++TransactionDetails | <TxDtls> | ||
2.123 | [1..1] | +++++References | <Refs> | ||
2.125 | [0..1] | ++++++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Only present if EveryPay Card transaction Order reference is defined or POS-terminal transaction field DE47 subfield 95 is filled with reference, else NULL. | |
2.131 | [0..1] | ++++++ChequeNumber | <ChqNb> | STAN. | |
2.133 | [0..1] | ++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
2.134 | [1..1] | +++++++Type | <Tp> | PAN. 7-12 positions are masked. | |
2.135 | [1..1] | +++++++Reference | <Ref> | Merchant branch ID (MID). | |
2.136 | [1..1] | +++++AmountDetails | <AmtDtls> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++TransactionAmount | <TxAmt> | |||
2.141 | [1..1] | +++++++Amount | <Amt Ccy="AAA"> | Transaction amount (may be zero). | |
2.152 | [0..n] | ++++++Charges | <Chrgs> | ||
2.154 | [1..1] | +++++++Amount | <Amt> | Transaction fee amount. | |
2.179 | [0..1] | +++++RelatedParties | <RltdPties> | ||
2.181 | [0..1] | ++++++Debtor | <Dbtr> | If CreditDebitIndicator=DBIT, then Debtor block is filled. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Remitter’s name. | ||
2.182 | [0..1] | ++++++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | ||
+++++++Identification | <Id> | ||||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Remitter’s account number. | |
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s account number which is not IBAN. | ||
2.184 | [0..1] | ++++++Creditor | <Cdtr> | If CreditDebitIndicator=CRDT, then Creditor block is filled. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor’s name. | ||
2.185 | ++++++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | |||
+++++++Identification | <Id> | ||||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Creditor’s IBAN. | |
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s account number which is not IBAN. | ||
2.191 | +++++RelatedAgents | <RltdAgts> | |||
2.192 | ++++++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | |||
+++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||||
++++++++Name | <Nm> | Financial institution identifier. | |||
2.214 | +++++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | |||
2.215 | ++++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Merchant branch name and location where transaction was made. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.054.001.02">
<Amt Ccy="EUR">83.030000</Amt>
<Cd>87654321 001</Cd>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">84.26</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">1.230000</Amt>
<Nm>Legal Merchant</Nm>
<Nm>Legal Merchant</Nm>
<Ustrd>www.abcdef.com \Tallinn \10116 ESTEST</Ustrd>
errMerchantReport_TechnicalError | Unexpected error while composing merchant report response |
errMerchantReport_InvalidInput | Invalid request xml, can't read it |
errStatement_PeriodInvalid | Data not ready for selected period |
errMerchantReport_NotNull | Maynot be null. Right format yyyy-MM-dd |
errMerchantReport_NotNull | Maynot be null |
errMerchantReport_NotEmpty | Maynot be empty |
errMerchantReport_1 | Wrong report type |
errMerchantReport_2 | Period can't be longer than 35 days |
errMerchantReport_3 | No such user code in ACQ |
errMerchantReport_4 | Error creating merchant report |
errMerchantReport_7 | User not authorized for this report request, no IBAN found for merchant |
errMerchantReport_9 | Period start can't be after end |
These services are meant for Service Providers Connect contract management - info services about existing contracts, creation and modification.
POST [base-url]/contracts
Initiate new Service Provider customer contract creation - service provider can use it to create a new pending contract for it's customer:
Mandatory headers:
Body in JSON format:
Field | Type | Comment |
companyCode | String | Registry code of Service Providers client |
companyCodeIssuer | String | Registry code issuer country of Service Providers client |
"companyCode": "12345678",
"companyCodeIssuer": "EE"
Response is in JSON format and returned immediately in HTTP response body - not in the message queue:
Field | Type | Comment |
companyCode | String | Registry code of Service Providers client |
companyCodeIssuer | String | Registry code issuer country of Service Providers client |
contractStatus | String | Contract status - pending/failed |
contractId | String | Contract unique id |
contractContainer | String | BDOC container data in BASE64 |
"companyCode": "79536821",
"companyCodeIssuer": "EE",
"contractStatus": "pending",
"contractId": "9adaf57a-a036-462f-9e08-dd201bf36e67",
"contractContainer": "UEsDBAoAAAgAAJ2IY1CKIfl..."
GET [base-url]/contracts
Get list and information about Service Provider connected customers, their contracts and enabled services. Both active and pending (waiting for activation) contracts are listed.
Mandatory headers:
Optional GET parameters:
GET https://connect.lhv.eu/contracts?createdAtMin=2020-07-01&createdAtMax=2021-09-01
GET https://connect.lhv.eu/contracts?changedAtMin=2020-07-01&changedAtMax=2021-09-01
Response is in JSON format and returned immediately in HTTP response body - not in the message queue.
Position | Field | Type | Comment |
1 | customers | Array | |
1.1 | companyCode | String | Company registry code |
1.2 | companyCodeIssuer | String | Company registry country |
1.3 | name | String | Company name |
1.4 | contracts | Array | |
1.4.1 | id | String | Contract id |
1.4.2 | status | String | Contract status - active/pending |
1.4.3 | startDate | String | Contract start date |
1.4.4 | services | Array | List of services of the contract | | automaticAccountStatement | Array | List of IBAN's where automatic account statements are enabled | | creditDebitNotification | Array | List of IBAN's where credit debit notifications are enabled |
Sample contains 3 different contracts:
"customers": [
"companyCode": "80368926",
"companyCodeIssuer": "EE",
"name": "LHV Connect Demo 2",
"contracts": [
"id": "ba0d12e8-fd31-4c9f-84ba-801638d25063",
"status": "PENDING",
"services": [
"ibans": [
"name": "HEARTBEAT"
"id": "0ceb02c9-e455-42b0-9d45-2ba5fd3b8f41",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"startDate": "2020-02-17",
"services": [
"ibans": [
"ibans": [
"name": "HEARTBEAT"
"companyCode": "79536821",
"companyCodeIssuer": "EE",
"name": "LHV Connect Demo 3",
"contracts": [
"id": "f89e82f6-f8c6-4d08-8091-51340f0b4661",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"startDate": "2020-02-28",
"services": [
"ibans": [
"name": "HEARTBEAT"
Subscribe to a webhook endpoint and upon a new message, we will notify you via the webhook, enabling you to fetch the
message immediately.
This delivery system enables transitioning from a polling-based model to near real-time notifications.
POST [base-url]/notifications/subscribe
Mandatory headers:
Body in JSON format:
Field | Type | Comment |
url | String | Destination user wishes to receive notification about new message |
eventType | String | At the moment always "GENERAL_WEBHOOK" |
"url": "https://xxxxx.webhook.office.com/xxxxxxxxx",
"eventType": "GENERAL_WEBHOOK"
Field | Type | Comment |
subscriptionReference | String | Reference code for created webhook |
"subscriptionReference": "922fa302-4da5-4b9c-acd6-47f0ae65440b"
PUT [base-url]/notifications/subscriptions/:subscriptionReference
Endpoint for updating existing (active) webhook subscription with subscriptionReference to the new destination.
Mandatory headers:
Body in JSON format:
Field | Type | Comment |
url | String | Destination user wishes to receive notification about new message |
eventType | String | At the moment always "GENERAL_WEBHOOK" |
PUT [base-url]/notifications/subscriptions/922fa302-4da5-4b9c-acd6-47f0ae65440b
"url": "https://xxxxx.webhook.office.com/xxxxxxxxx",
"eventType": "GENERAL_WEBHOOK"
On successful webhook update response with the status HTTP 204 OK will be returned (without response body).
DELETE [base-url]/notifications/subscriptions/:subscriptionReference
Endpoint for unsubscribing from existing webhook subscription
Mandatory headers:
DELETE [base-url]/notifications/subscriptions/922fa302-4da5-4b9c-acd6-47f0ae65440b
The successful webhook unsubscribing response with the status HTTP 200 OK will be returned.
In the case of HTTP code 200, no response body is used.
GET [base-url]/notifications/subscriptions
Endpoint for searching subscribed (active) webhooks
Mandatory headers:
"subscriptions": [
"url": "https://xxxxx.webhook.office.com/xxxxxxxxx",
"subscriptionReference": "922fa302-4da5-4b9c-acd6-47f0ae65440b",
"eventType": "GENERAL_WEBHOOK"
If there are no active webhooks for the client then response will be with the status HTTP 204 No Content and no response
body is used.
Webhook payload is a structured data format (JSON) sent with an HTTP request to the subscribed URL specified by the TPP
when the webhook is triggered.
It contains detailed information related to the event that triggered the webhook.
Field | Type | Comment |
eventId | Numeric | A unique identifier for a webhook event |
subscriptionReference | String (UUID) | A unique identifier for each webhook subscription event |
timestamp | String (ISO-8601 datetime) | The time the event was generated |
messageResponseId | String | The ID of this response message. A key field to use to retrieve the actual message body |
messageRequestId | String | The ID of the request message |
messageCreatedTime | String (ISO-8601 datetime) | The time the message was created |
messageType | String | The type of the message. See the "Message-Response-Type" list |
regCode | String | User registration code/Client code |
regCodeIssuer | String | The country of the client |
bankCode | String | Either LHVUK or LHVEE, specifying whether the message originated from the UK or Estonian branch |
"eventId": "1",
"subscriptionReference": "f868b13b-4632-4f84-864b-9b2ddb7fcc1d",
"timestamp": "2024-03-25T06:01:02.171+00:00",
"messageResponseId": "RES5143ba89862b4eb4b7fbf24c3eb7a447",
"messageRequestId": "REQ82cbcdf79f17473e9efe40778a1c15fa",
"messageCreatedTime": "2024-03-25T06:01:02.171+00:00",
"messageType": "ACCOUNT_BALANCE",
"regCode": "123456",
"regCodeIssuer": "EE",
"bankCode": "LHVEE"
OPBD | Opening booked balance. |
CLBD | Closing booked balance. |
CRDT | Positive amount or zero. |
DBIT | Negative amount. |
INST | SEPA Instant payment. Payment initiation: INST must be used for RT1 and TIPS payment. Account reports: INST stands for RT1 payment. |
SEPA | SEPA payment. |
SWIFT | SWIFT payment. |
TARGET2 | TARGET2 payment. |
TIPS | TARGET Instant Payment. Payment initiation: Code cannot be used directly, but using INST |
INTERNAL | LHV internal payment. |
GROUP | Payments between LHV Group subsidiaries (LHV Pank, LHV Bank). |
TRADER | Trader payment. Trader payments cannot be initated via Connect. |
SEPADD | SEPA direct debit payment. |
Codes are subject to change. Use following codes if returning incoming payment with service Initating return payments.
Payment scheme - INST, TIPS, TARGET2, SEPA If returning TIPS payment use payment scheme code INST. | |
AC01 | Incorrect Account Number |
AC04 | Closed Account Number |
AC06 | Blocked Account |
AG01 | Transaction Forbidden |
AG02 | Invalid Bank Operation Code |
AM05 | Duplication |
BE04 | Missing Creditor Address |
CNOR | Creditor Bank is not registred |
ERIN | ERI Option Not Supported |
MD07 | End Customer Deceased |
MS02 | Not Specified Reason Customer Generated |
MS03 | Not Specified Reason Agent Generated |
RC01 | Bank Identifier Incorrect |
RR01 | Missing Debtor Account Or Identification |
RR02 | Missing Debtor Name or Address |
RR03 | Missing Creditor Name or Address |
RR04 | Regulatory Reason |
FOCR | Following Cancellation Request |
Payment scheme - GROUP | |
AC01 | Incorrect Account Number |
AC04 | Closed Account Number |
AC06 | Blocked Account |
AG01 | Transaction Forbidden |
AM03 | Not Allowed Currency |
AM05 | Duplication |
MS02 | Not Specified Reason Customer Generated |
RR04 | Regulatory Reason |
Codes are subject to change. Rejection means that payment is rejected or returned by the payment system or receiving bank. We will forward the code with payment.
Payment scheme - GROUP | |
AC01 | Incorrect Account Number |
AC02 | Invalid Debtor Account Number |
AC04 | Closed Account Number |
AC06 | Blocked Account |
AG01 | Transaction Forbidden |
AM03 | Not Allowed Currency |
MS03 | Not Specified Reason Agent Generated |
Payment scheme - INST, TIPS, TARGET2, SEPA | |
AB05 | Clearing process aborted due to timeout at the Creditor PSP (Creditor Agent) |
AB06 | Clearing process aborted due to timeout at Intermediary PSP or CSM (the Instructed Agent). Rejected by the CSM to Originator Bank upon Timeout condition |
AB07 | Agent of message is not online / available. Generic usage if it cannot be determined who exactly is unavailable |
AB08 | Creditor PSP (Creditor Agent) is not online / available |
AB09 | Clearing process aborted due to error at the Creditor PSP (Creditor Agent) |
AB10 | Clearing process aborted due to error at the Intermediary PSP or CSM (the Instructed Agent) |
AC01 | Incorrect Account Number |
AC04 | Closed Account Number |
AC06 | Blocked Account |
AG01 | Transaction Forbidden |
AG02 | Invalid Bank Operation Code |
AG09 | Original payment never received. If you have received this error code, it means that the payment has been returned by the recipient's bank for unknown reasons. |
AG10 | Agent of message is suspended from the Real-time Payment system. Generic usage if it cannot be determined who exactly is suspended |
AG11 | Creditor PSP (Creditor Agent) of message is suspended from the Real-time Payment system |
AM02 | Not Allowed Amount |
AM04 | Insufficient Funds |
AM23 | Transaction amount exceeds settlement limit |
BE04 | Missing Creditor Address |
CNOR | Creditor bank is not registered. Creditor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM |
DNOR | Debtor bank is not registered. Originator bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM |
MD07 | End Customer Deceased |
MS02 | Not Specified Reason Customer Generated |
MS03 | Not Specified Reason Agent Generated |
PY01 | Unknown BIC in routing table |
RC01 | Bank Identifier Incorrect |
RR01 | Missing Debtor Account Or Identification |
RR02 | Missing Debtors Name Or Address |
RR03 | Missing Creditors Name Or Address |
RR04 | Regulatory Reason |
TM01 | Invalid Cut Off Time. Rejected by the CSM to Creditor Bank upon Timeout condition |
XT04 | Insufficient liquidity for processing the transaction on the System |
XT06 | InvalidAccptTime, Rejected by the CSM to Originator Bank upon exceeding tolerance period for the Acceptance Date&Time |
XT79 | The Debtor Agent is not allowed to send SCT Inst transactions (pacs.008) and consequently to send Investigation (pacs.028) and Recalls (camt.056). It is also not allowed to receive NRR and PRR |
XT80 | The Creditor Agent is not allowed to receive SCT Inst transactions (pacs.008) and consequently to receive Investigation (pacs.028) and Recalls (camt.056). It is also not allowed to send NRR and PRR |
XT81 | Field not Permitted in SCT Inst Service |
XT83 | Participant not allowed to use the Product Id specified |
XT86 | Expired Time limit for Recall |
XT87 | Inconsistent Instructing Agent |
XT90 | Invalid use of a Technical BIC |
ACMT | MDOP | FEES | Portfolio safekeeping fee |
DERV | OTHR | OTHR | Gain/loss prior open future positions |
FORX | MDOP | FEES | Currency exchange fee |
FORX | OTHR | OTHR | Currency exchange |
LDAS | FTDP | INTR | Term deposit interest |
LDAS | FTDP | OTHR | Term deposit |
LDAS | MDOP | FEES | Fees related to loan agreement |
LDAS | MDOP | TAXE | Income tax on received interest |
LDAS | NTDP | INTR | Interest payment |
LDAS | NTLN | INTR | Interest payment |
LDAS | NTLN | PPAY | Capital payment |
LDAS | OTHR | OTHR | Other payments related to loan or rebalance |
PMNT | CCRD | CAJT | Card account rebalance |
PMNT | CCRD | CWDL | ATM withdrawal |
PMNT | CCRD | CDPT | ATM deposit |
PMNT | CCRD | FEES | Fees related cards and card payments |
PMNT | CCRD | INTR | Credit card interest |
PMNT | CCRD | POSC | Payment between current and limit account |
PMNT | CCRD | POSD | Card payment |
PMNT | CNTR | CWDL | Cash withdrawal |
PMNT | CNTR | CDPT | Cash deposit |
PMNT | DRFT | STLR | Reservation |
PMNT | ICDT | FEES | Money transfer fee |
PMNT | ICDT | OTHR | Issued payment |
PMNT | RCDT | OTHR | Received payment |
PMNT | MCOP | INTR | Accrued interest |
PMNT | MCDR | CHRG | ACQ merchant chargeback fee |
PMNT | MCDR | COME | ACQ merchant revenue fee |
PMNT | MCDR | COMT | ACQ merchant service fee |
PMNT | MCDR | DAJT | ACQ merchant revenue debit |
PMNT | MCDR | POSP | ACQ merchant revenue |
PMNT | MDOP | FEES | Payment fee |
PMNT | OTHR | OTHR | Other transaction |
PMNT | ICDT | FICT | PSP issued credit transfer |
PMNT | RCDT | FICT | PSP received credit transfer |
PMNT | IDDT | PMDD | Issued Direct Debit |
PMNT | RDDT | PMDD | Received Direct Debit |
PMNT | IDDT | FIDD | PSP issued Direct Debit |
PMNT | RDDT | FIDD | PSP received Direct Debit |
SECU | CORP | FEES | Corporate action fee |
SECU | CORP | OTHR | Corporate action |
SECU | CUST | DVCA | Dividends |
SECU | MDOP | TAXE | Income tax withheld |
SECU | OTHR | OTHR | Trader rebalance |
SECU | SETT | FEES | Securities commission fee |
SECU | SETT | TRAD | Securities buy-sell |
ACCT | Account management. |
CASH | Cash management. |
COLL | Collection payment. |
INTC | Intra-company payment. |
LIMA | Liquidity management. |
NETT | Netting. |
AGRT | Agricultural payment. |
BEXP | Business expenses. |
COMC | Commercial payment. |
CPYR | Copyright. |
LICF | Licence fee. |
GDDS | Purchase and sale of goods. |
SCVE | Purchase and sale of services. |
SUBS | Subscription. |
SUPP | Supplier payment. |
CHAR | Charity payment. |
HLRP | Housing loan repayment. |
INSU | Insurance premium. |
INTE | Interest. |
LBRI | Labour insurance. |
LIFI | Life insurance. |
LOAN | Loan to borrower. |
LOAR | Loan to lender. |
PPTI | Property insurance. |
ADVA | Advance payment. |
CCRD | Credit card payment. |
DCRD | Debit card payment. |
GOVT | Government payment. |
MSVC | Multiple service types. |
NOWS | Not otherwise specified. |
OTHR | Other. |
PADD | Preauthorised debit. |
RENT | Rent. |
STDY | Study. |
DERI | Derivatives. |
DIVD | Dividend. |
FREX | Foreign exchange. |
SAVG | Savings. |
SECU | Securities. |
TREA | Treasury payment. |
DNTS | Dental services. |
HLTI | Health insurance. |
HSPC | Hospital care. |
LTCF | Long-term care facility. |
MDCS | Medical services. |
ALMY | Alimony payment. |
BONU | Bonus payment. |
BECH | Child benefit. |
COMM | Commission. |
PENS | Pension payment. |
SALA | Salary payment. |
SSBE | Social security benefit. |
HSTX | Housing tax. |
INTX | Income tax. |
TAXS | Tax payment. |
VATX | VAT payment. |
AIRB | Air transport. |
BUSB | Bus transport. |
FERB | Ferry transport. |
RLWY | Railway transport. |
CBTV | Cable TV bill. |
ELEC | Electricity bill. |
ENRG | Energies. |
GASB | Gas bill. |
NWCH | Network charge. |
NWCM | Network communication. |
OTLC | Other telecom related bill. |
PHON | Telephone bill. |
WTER | Water bill. |
DEBT | Deposit. |
GDSV | Purchase and Sale of Goods and Services |
CDBL | Credit Card Bill |
INVS | Investment and Securities |
ALLW | Allowance |
PAYR | Payroll |
UBIL | Utilities |
CASH | Cash management. |
CORT | Trade settlement payment. |
DIVI | Dividends payment. |
GOVT | Government payment. |
HEDG | Hedging. |
INTC | Intra-company payment. |
INTE | Interest payment. |
LOAN | Transfer of a loan to a borrower. |
PENS | Pension payment. |
SALA | Salary payment. |
SECU | Securities payment. |
SSBE | Social security benefit payment. |
SUPP | Supplier payment. |
TAXS | Tax payment. |
TRAD | Trade finance transaction payment. |
TREA | Treasury payment. |
VATX | VAT payment. |
WHLD | Withholding tax payment. |
OTHR | Other payment. |
EPAY | Payment via online banking. |
FCOL | Fee collection. |
ARNU | Number assigned by a social security agency to identify a non-resident person. |
CCPT | Number assigned by an authority to identify the passport number of a person. |
CUST | Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. |
DRLC | Number assigned by an authority to identify a driver's license. |
EMPL | Number assigned by a registration authority to an employee. |
NIDN | Number assigned by an authority to identify the national identity number of a person. |
SOSE | Number assigned by an authority to identify the social security number of a person. |
TXID | Number assigned by a tax authority to identify a person. |
TELE | Number assigned by a telephone or mobile phone operator to identify a person. A person may have multiple phone numbers. |
POID | Commercial identification of the person. |
BANK | Unique and unambiguous assignment made by a specific bank or similar financial institution to identify a relationship as defined between the bank and its client. |
CBID | A unique identification number assigned by a central bank to identify an organisation. |
CHID | A unique identification number assigned by a clearing house to identify an organisation. |
COID | Country authority given organisation identification (e.g., corporate registration number). |
CUST | Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. Number assigned by a party to identify a creditor or remitter relationship. |
DUNS | A unique identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet to identify an organisation. |
EMPL | Number assigned by a registration authority to an employer. |
GS1G | Global Location Number. A non-significant reference number used to identify legal entities, functional entities, or physical entities according to GS1 numbering scheme rules. The number is used to retrieve detailed information that is linked to it. |
SREN | The SIREN number is a 9 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation in France. |
SRET | The SIRET number is a 14 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation unit in France. It consists of the SIREN number, followed by a five digit classification number, to identify the local geographical unit of that entity. |
TXID | Number assigned by a tax authority to identify an organisation. |
CINC | A unique identification number assigned by a designated authority to a certificate of incorporation and used to identify an organisation. |
BDID | Identifier of the business domain in which the organisation is active. |
BOID | Other identification of the organisation. |
NORM | Normal payment. |
HIGH | Urgent payment. |
EXPR | Extra urgent payment. |
If payment priority is not provided or faulty, default values will be used. For additional information see Payment processing time limits and settlements.
SLEV | Allowed only for SEPA payments. Shared charges. |
SHAR | Shared charges. |
DEBT | Remitter pays charges. |
If not provided or faulty, default values will be used. For additional information see Payment processing time limits and settlements.
SEPADD | SEPA Direct Debit CORE |